[General Gameplay] Can you get Strange and Beautiful Rice Seed form Magical Rice Seed | Black Desert NA/EU (2025)

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Can you get Strange and Beautiful Rice Seed form Magical Rice Seed

Jul 29, 2024, 02:57 (UTC)

1437 4 4 4

Last Edit : Jul 29, 2024, 08:02 (UTC)

# 2

Hi, if you check https://bdocodex.com/us/item/820321/ and click on the "Farming Product" tab, you can see the different seeds that can yield it as a result.


10 1975

Lv 66


Last Edit : Jul 31, 2024, 10:26 (UTC)

# 3

On: Jul 29, 2024, 02:57 (UTC), Written by Amiee

Can you get Strange and Beautiful Rice Seed form Magical Rice Seed or does it only come from Special Rice Seed?

I checked out the above posters link, the answer is yes. If you don't wanna go through it.


1 61

Lv 19


Last Edit : Jul 31, 2024, 11:19 (UTC)

# 4

Teach a man to fish and all that :D


10 1975

Lv 66



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[General Gameplay] Can you get Strange and Beautiful Rice Seed form Magical Rice Seed | Black Desert NA/EU (2025)


What can you do with mysterious seeds? ›

Mysterious Seeds are a type of seed. They can be merged into Grass Tufts or grow into ones over time.

What are magical seeds for? ›

Magical Seeds are consumed and provide specific boosts when the holder enters a Magical Field Effect. The different boosts are: Dark Crystal Cavern: boosts Special Defense and applies Magic Coat to the user. Rainbow Field: raises Special Attack and applies Healing Wish to the user.

How to get magical seeds in BDO? ›

Once you reach Artisan 1 in farming, you can start to plant Magical Seeds for profit. These are the highest grade of seeds, and can be obtained by breeding Speical (blue) grade seeds. Once a seed has been placed it will begin to grow. Exit the installation screen by pressing Esc and clicking yes.

How to plant seeds in BDO Xbox? ›

Planting seeds is similar to installing furniture in a house. At the top left corner of the screen, you will see the available slots for planting. Select a seed from the window to the right and then click the area of the garden you want it planted in.

What do you get from Rare Seed? ›

The Rare Seed is a type of seed. A mature plant yields a Sweet Gem Berry. 600–1,000g each.

What can I do with Ancient Seed artifact? ›

The only productive use of the first Ancient Seed artifact found is to donate it to the Museum. The item contributes to the total count of Museum donations. Gunther will reward the player with one pack of plantable Ancient Seeds and the recipe to craft any further Ancient Seed artifacts into more seeds.

How do you get magical pumpkin seeds? ›

The Magical Pumpkin Seed summons a pet Squashling. It is obtained from harvesting fully-grown Pumpkins during Halloween, which has a 1/200 (0.5%) chance to drop a Magical Pumpkin Seed. When the player jumps high enough or outruns the Squashling, it will twirl and fly after the player.

What is the max fence in BDO? ›

A player may have a maximum of 10 fences installed in the world at any one time.

How do you get the rainbow gem fruit in BDO? ›

[Rainbow Jewel Fruit] can be purchased from the Livestock Vendor for 100,000,000 silver.

How to get unknown seeds in BDO? ›

Unknown seeds are gained from alchemy as a byproduct and can be crafted with truffle mushrooms to make hyphas.

How do I plant a seed card? ›

1) Soak the Seed Paper in a bit of water for about 1 to 2 hours. 2) Cut it up and carefully place it in a pot filled with soil. 3) Cover it with 5mm of soil, put it in the sun and water it every day without letting it dry out.

What do you do with the seeds in Zelda? ›

The 900 Korok Seeds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are found around Hyrule by performing specific actions in certain locations. If you collect enough seeds, you can trade Korok Seeds with Hestu for increased inventory space for weapons, shields, and bows.

What else can you do with seeds in Minecraft? ›

Like other seeds, wheat seeds can be used to breed chickens and reduce the remaining growth duration of baby chickens by 10%. Chickens also follow a player holding wheat seeds.

What can you do with mystery seeds in Finn and Bones? ›

Mystery Seeds are a mid-game food item. It is almost solely used by crafting it with water to make strawberries. By itself, it can also hold up to 50 Health.

What do you do with seeds in farming simulator? ›

You need to buy a bigbag of seeds at the dealership and fill your seeder with it. You just have to position your sowing machine right beside the seeds and press the "refill" button - the seeds will automatically load into the seeder.


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