Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (2024)

The Iroquois, known also as the Haudenosaunee (which means People Building a Long House), were a powerful and important Native American confederacy located in the northeastern part of North America. During the colonial period, this confederacy was known to the French as the ‘Iroquois League’, and later as the ‘Iroquois Confederacy’. On the other hand, they were known to the English as the ‘Five Nations’, and, after 1722, as the ‘Six Nations’. The six nations that make up the Iroquois League are the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora (as the sixth nation of this confederacy), which are tribes that are linguistically related.

Warfare and violence between tribes

The Iroquois tribes are said to have occupied the area around modern day New York, and had developed from the local cultures dating back to the 11 th century A.D. Inter-group aggression seems to have arisen between this period and approximately 1400 AD, perhaps due to increasing competition for resources as a result of rising population densities. It has been claimed that many archaeological sites from this period show signs of warfare and violence. This image of a period of continuous warfare between the Iroquois tribes is also reflected in Iroquois oral tradition.

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (1)

Engraving based on a drawing by Champlain of his 1609 voyage. It depicts a battle between Iroquois and Algonquian tribes near Lake Champlain (public domain)

One strategy that was employed in order to survive through these harsh times was for smaller tribes to cooperate so as to increase their chances of survival. Thus, smaller villages coalesced into much larger palisaded villages, which increased the security of the individual villages involved. It has been suggested that such a strategy was the precursor to the formation of the Iroquois League.

Deganawida, the Great Peacemaker

According to Iroquois oral tradition, the period of violence was finally ended by a man known as the Great Peacemaker, who is said to have come from the north. The spiritual name of the Great Peacemaker is said to be Deganawida, which means ‘Two Rivers Flowing Together’. This name, however, is rarely mentioned aloud, out of respect for him. It was the Great Peacemaker, along with the Mohawk chief, Hiawatha (meaning ‘He Who Combs’), who brought the message of peace of the chief of the five Iroquois tribes.

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (2)

Meeting of Hiawatha and Deganawida by Sanford Plummer (public domain)

According to one legend, Hiawatha was originally a cannibal from the Onondaga tribe. Once, the Great Peacemaker was watching the cannibal through a hole in the roof whilst he was preparing to cook his latest victim. The cannibal, seeing the Great Peacemaker’s face reflected in the pot, thought that that was his own image. He was struck by the realisation that such a beautiful face was incompatible with the horrendous practice of cannibalism. He immediately gave up cannibalism, and went out to dispose of the corpse. When he returned to his lodge, he encountered the Great Peacemaker, and became his disciple.

Todadaho accepts peace

The Great Peacemaker’s new disciple was then sent to confront his chief, Todadaho and remove the snakes from his hair (for it is said that Todadaho’s hair contained a tangle of snakes). As a result of this deed, the Great Peacemaker’s disciple became known as Hiawatha. Todadaho is said to have been the last of the five chiefs to accept the message of the Great Peacemaker.

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (3)

Iroquois painting of Tadodaho receiving two Mohawk chiefs (public domain)

The council of the chiefs

When the task of bringing peace was accomplished, the laws and customs of the newly-formed confederacy had to be established. This was achieved by a council of fifty chiefs who were elected by the clan mothers (the five Iroquois nations were matrilineal, matrilocal societies). Additionally, the Confederacy chiefs would meet annually to restate these laws and customs (now known as the Book of the Great Law), as well as to settle any conflicts that may have occurred during the past year.

The relations between each member group and between the League as a unit and outsiders were also determined by this Council. The individual League members, however, were allowed to act freely when dealing with outsiders on their own, so long as the interests of the entire League were kept. When a decision is to be made by the Council, the issue would first be discussed amongst the Mohawk, and then amongst the Seneca, both of whom are called ‘Door-keepers’, as they are the eastern and western-most groups of the League. The issue would next be discussed amongst the Oneida, and then amongst the Caguyga, known together as the ‘Younger Brothers’. Finally, the issue would be discussed amongst the Onondaga, the ‘Fire-keepers’. Decisions had to be unanimous, and the fact that each chief had the power to veto an issue is said to have helped ensure the equality of each chief and his opinion.

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (4)

Chiefs of the Six Nations, 1871 (public domain)

The power of the Iroquois League

Due to their unity, the Iroquois League became a great power in northeastern North America. The North American fur trade during the 16 th century, for instance, saw the Iroquois League embarking on successful campaigns to subjugate or disperse neighbouring groups in order to obtain furs to trade with Europeans. Yet, it was also contact with Europeans that fragmented the Iroquois League. During the American Revolution, for example, the League members failed to agree on which side to support. As no unanimous agreement was achieved, each group was free to support whichever side they wanted. Of the six Iroquois groups, only the Oneida supported the American cause. Whilst the Oneida were rewarded for their assistance, the other groups were subjected to punitive raids by the victors.

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (5)

Iroquois engaging in trade with Europeans, 1722 (public domain)

It has often been said that the Iroquois League was the inspiration behind the United States Constitution, and that the League has sometimes been called the ‘Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth’. In a 1751 letter written by Benjamin Franklin to James Parker, the former had this to say about the Iroquois League,

“It would be a strange thing if Six Nations of ignorant savages should be capable of forming a scheme for such a union, and be able to execute it in such a manner as that it has subsisted ages and appears indissoluble; and yet that a like union should be impracticable for ten or a dozen English colonies, to whom it is more necessary and must be more advantageous, and who cannot be supposed to want an equal understanding of their interests.”

Featured image: Famous Seneca chief of the Iroquois league, Red Jacket, political negotiator and critic of European religion, speaking to crowd (public domain).

By Ḏḥwty


Fadden, J. K., 2015. The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth. [Online]
Available at:

Franklin, B., 1751. Benjamin Franklin on the Iroquois League, in a letter to James Parker, 1751. [Online]
Available at:

Hall, L., 2015. Iroquois confederacy. [Online]
Available at:

Ramsden, P. G., 2015. Haudenosaunee (Iroquois). [Online]
Available at:, 2015. The League of the Iroquois. [Online]
Available at:, 2015. Legendary Native American Figures: The Great Peacemaker. [Online]
Available at:

Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations (2024)


Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations? ›

From east to west, the League was composed of the Mohawk

In the Mohawk language, the Mohawk people call themselves the Kanienʼkehá꞉ka ("people of the flint"). The Mohawk became wealthy traders as other nations in their confederacy needed their flint for tool making. › wiki › Mohawk_people
, Oneida, Onondaga
The Onondaga people (Onontaerrhonon, Onondaga: Onoñda'gegá'', "People of the Hills") are one of the five original nations of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy in the Northeastern Woodlands. Their historical homelands are in and around present-day Onondaga County, New York, south of Lake Ontario. › wiki › Onondaga_people
, Cayuga, and Seneca
The main form of social organization is the clan, or ka'sä:te', nominally each descended from one woman. The Seneca have eight clans: Bear (nygawai'), Wolf (aga̓ta:yö:nih), Turtle (ha'no:wa:h), Beaver( nöganya'göh), Deer (neogë), Hawk (gaji'da:s), Snipe (nödzahgwë'), and Heron (jo̙äshä'). › wiki › Seneca_people
. In about 1722, the Iroquoian-speaking Tuscarora joined the League, having migrated northwards from the Carolinas after a bloody conflict with white settlers.

What was the Iroquois League and why was it important? ›

The Iroquois League, or Haudenosaunee, was formed by Native American tribes inhabiting the Great Lakes region. It was created to facilitate peace between the warring tribes.

What are the six tribes of the Iroquois League? ›

The Six Nations consist of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora. The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy were originally five independent nation states bound by a central constitution and a common set of laws.

Why was it important that the Iroquois League created a constitution? ›

The main purpose of the Iroquois constitution was to organize the Iroquois society and provide rules for its government. The Iroquois constitution, or the Great Law of Peace, likely dates back to 1450.

What were the Iroquois known for? ›

The Iroquoi Tribes, also known as the Haudenosuanee, are known for many things. But they are best known for their longhouses. Each longhouse was home to many members of a Haudenosuanee family. The longhouse was the center of Iroquois life.

Why were the Iroquois so powerful? ›

The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy differed from other American Indian confederacies in the northeastern woodlands primarily in being better organized, more consciously defined, and more effective. The Iroquois used elaborately ritualized systems for choosing leaders and making important decisions.

What did the Iroquois fight for? ›

Mourning wars also known as "vengeance raids," was a vital part of Iroquois culture. These wars were fought for psychological and spiritual reasons. In these conflicts, warriors would fight to avenge the deaths of warriors killed in previous battles. These wars were not intended to expand territory.

Were the Iroquois violent? ›

During the Beaver Wars, the Iroquois attacked other Indian tribes, such as the Hurons and the Ottawas. They even went as far as past the Mississippi River and attacked the Sioux. The Iroquois would also fight in wars to avenge the deaths of loved ones.

How did the Iroquois influence the US government? ›

The framework of government in the Iroquois Confederacy is said to have inspired Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and other founders as they wrote the Constitution. The founders adopted the Iroquois nation's symbol, the bald eagle, as the new nation's national symbol.

Are the Iroquois still around today? ›

Are the Iroquois Still Around Today? Today, approximately 45,000 Six Nations people live in Canada, and over 81,000 reside in the United States. Most of them are categorized based on the eighteen registered communities. Iroquois people today are making an impact on movies, television, and print media.

What was the Iroquois famous quote? ›

We are a powerful Confederacy; and, by your observing the same Methods our wise Forefathers have taken, you will acquire fresh Strength and Power; therefore whatever befalls you, never fall out one with another."

What is the great law of the Iroquois? ›

The Great Law of Peace is presented as part of a narrative noting laws and ceremonies to be performed at prescribed times. The laws, called a constitution, are divided into 117 articles. The united Iroquois nations are symbolized by an eastern white pine tree, called the Tree of Peace.

How did the Iroquois contribute to the development of democracy? ›

The Iroquois influence was all the greater because these Native Americans had a well- operating form of confederation which functioned to maintain peace among their member nations and for defense against "others." These twin needs-peace among their colonies and defense against"others"-were also the most urgent needs of ...

Why was the Iroquois League so important? ›

The goal was to promote peace among themselves. Their system of government was so good, it inspired the framers of the U.S. Constitution. Benjamin Franklin wrote that the new United States could learn a lot about political unity from the Iroquois League.

What is the myth of the Iroquois? ›

According to the Iroquois creation story, the world was created when the pregnant Sky Woman fell from the floating island in the sky, down to the vast ocean underneath. Birds and fish already existed, and they helped Sky Woman create the Earth, by giving her soil to put on a giant turtle's back.

What do the Iroquois prefer to be called? ›

The Haudenosaunee: People of the Longhouse

The Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, also known as Haudenosaunee, meaning “people of the longhouse,” referring to their domicile structures, played a key role in shaping the United States government.

Why was the Iroquois League so important Quizlet? ›

The purpose of the Iroquois League was to have a group of leaders who represented their different nations. These leaders would serve their people. They would also meet in council to make decisions that affected all the nations in the league in matters of war and common concern.

What best describes the Iroquois League? ›

"A defense alliance of Eastern Woodland nations" is the best answer. This alliance was formed between Natives as a response to increasing European settlement in the Northeast.

Why is the Iroquois Great League of Peace important? ›

Much has been said about the inspiration of the ancient Iroquois "Great League of Peace" in planting the seeds that led to the formation of the United States and its representative democracy. The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 1142, is the oldest living participatory democracy on Earth.

Why were the Iroquois important to the British? ›

Answer and Explanation: The primary reason that the Iroquois allied themselves with Britain was that Britain gave the Iroquois more support in the trade of furs, such as the pelts of beavers and foxes, providing valuable goods like firearms and gunpowder.


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