Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (2024)

Help a Midlands pup in need find a forever home courtesy of petfinder.com!

ABC Columbia Staff,

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    ColumbiaAffectionate, Couch, Friendly, Playful, Curious, Funny, Gentle, LovesHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with childrenNo dogs, catsAdoption fee $150For the Love of Woofers saved me from my final plea at the shelter on 8/9/24 and now I need to find my forever home.

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    SummervilleVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.

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    Charlotte , NCFriendly, Affectionate, Smart, Playful, Loves KissesHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Meet Blue, a strikingly handsome 60 lb Australian Cattle Dog, Rat Terrier, and Husky mix who has just turned 2 years old.

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    ColumbiaAffectionate, Couch, Curious, Friendly, Gentle, Loves, PlayfulHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with dogs, cats, childrenAdoption fee $250 I'm Buttercup, a sweet and loving 2-year-old black pittie with a charming white spot on my chest and a subtle brindle pattern in my fur if you look closely.

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    Charlotte , NC Affectionate, Couch, Dignified, Loves, Loyal, Quiet, Friendly, GentleHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Meet Callum, the 50-pound beige Staffy who’s not just a pretty face—he’s got the manners and charm to win over even the toughest critics.

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    LancasterVaccinations up to date.Good with dogs, cats, childrenPlease email them at themuttymisfits@yahoo.com with the subject line CAPRI for their adoption application.

  • 7/16


    Monroe, NCHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with other dogsChasity is a one year old miniature Parti Poodle who weighs approximately 10 lbs.

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  • 9/16


    ColumbiaAffectionate, Friendly, Loves, Playful, GentleHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with dogs, childrenAdoption fee $150My name is Drummer, and I'm a 2-year-old, 63 pound, Lab Mix with a shiny black coat and soulful eyes.

  • 10/16


    ColumbiaAffectionate, Athletic, Couch, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Loves, PlayfulHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with dogs, cats, childrenAdoption fee $150I'm Jack Jack, a 1-year-old, 47 pound, chestnut and white hound mix with a heart full of love and a playful spirit.

  • 11/16


    ColumbiaGentle and FriendlyVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with other dogsThis sweet female yellow lab mix came to our rescue from a local shelter and is approximately 1-2 years old.

  • 12/16


    ColumbiaGentle and FriendlyVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with dogs, cats, childrenMeet Lucky, a sweet 6-8 year old male chihuahua mix weighing approximately 6 pounds.

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    SummervilleCrate Trained, Good with Dogs, HousetrainedHouse trainedVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with other dogs

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    Barnwell Vaccinations up to date.Good with dogs, cats, childrenPringles and Precious are around 6-weeks-old.

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    BarnwellVaccinations up to date.Good with dogs, cats, childrenPringles and Precious are around 6-weeks-old.

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    SumterCurious, FriendlyVaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.Good with other dogsNo catsSundae walks well on a leash, he absolutely loves going for his daily walks

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (1)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (2)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (3)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (4)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (5)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (6)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (7)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (8)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (9)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (10)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (11)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (12)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (13)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (14)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (15)

  • Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (16)

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Help a Midlands pup in need find a forever home courtesy of petfinder.com!

Categories: Midlands Pup Shots

Midlands Pup Shots! August 15 - ABC Columbia (2024)


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Article information

Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Last Updated:

Views: 5761

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.