ss THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1920 TV 0 I'OI ATKY HE A I', EHT ATE. Ill VTU UKAI, LST 4l' vmv ltl; Al. ETUE, FOUR SELECTED YOH sale in Menlo Park-A ten room house With lai hamithl, garatt, one lorn of laud cmored with friui and ornamental trees: live minute' to stailou, inlle Knd lull from HUnfoni Cniv. Easy term. Address box I), Menlo urk.
'11. Meulo forjvTiiv he a i. COUNTRY LANDS Our Specialty ere lcrl. ciea prunes, IS acres hy, 8 arret yiii' 5 room 2 Psrna, rhicKeii equipment,'ii rhi. kens.
4kl hwia, 4 cos, 2 tools sud uutcmu-rjr: piu uiws. hk 1 1 tltif! hour Irmit M. Inw cumiuUtlon rntf. 01 al.tiiictue 7 rouin Ihh-khIow (V.b lini-B, mi.ili'in lu rMjDi't; Lino. room Dilh blue liri'i'Uce; hiifd fumr: Lirif', lurelt; iiui'j' tiiri'i ouart'T aire (fiMioirl; irult tni, mil Hill taiditi, Inwii, elc.
ebldo-i. burn aod yai'l; l.uj: wixtw, loom for lour fWH, A toonil'-rl ill plc i' uiul imit. be w-ii ti I'ri'e (lO.Ootl, wortl. Iiii-h KCAL'lY t.a. cirliimu' njny.
roll tr.K-'- 'r'. nl. r.i'." lot iTr" San Itnlael; over i Tf; )siii foreaU-u bill (. 111U11111 cnnf of emnt I. i.D and a I'll! Vl'IU MICA I.
MSTATK. Balfelafe'Ibwell 31WJ4 Kearny St Ban traneisco, Calif, IXOOM 100 acre jnt off highway tH-tween I-a-fnnte and Waliiut Cruk, '1 aerea of rich boltooi in intdli.e ll.t lnu talon hi thu ttlnmiy thia yean; 10 aiea in acd eainen; Jo iiTea bill luy or yegi'lable laud; 4S aere Wmided hill I a g'aal hoii4, uue for owner, una for help; 2 liarnh; fins water supply; tie'f tractor; motor truck; 5 hori; fine tcois of all Orb 'M niiiiiuea from iiiikland. A line little properly. Only to.M-incluaing ail equipment. 100 hlVT UK SOT ALFALFA KltllT VKIIETABI.ES Mil.
1, iiiai lOSTTC. VV11V I'AK iiUJII liny dies like rei.t; tin an. 01 mitliul Mill Valley, tlie iaml m' aii)iiii. Ml Klttl reewiliiiii, Ciibin tor and tm'atlona; 'i i. a inning, 4 lots, fine for week-end.
4 ri'iiiim and fireplace, 5 loth; flint for i. cii'ii. jieH lied, 4 ri'iowa and twth. woiHlid lot, Inns view, linpiaea; ti in unit, to station; tlicru an air of relinei.ieiit litre; inap. r.xiiim.
lifuiaee, modern phnrib- li'if, loin, line view; real tii.l'Oti ollll, rnt'd-rn. '13 acre land; re duceij liom 4t. -11 rooiiH, eo pljfe, tun poHi, all ha wood rooiua, ti-ep1a, 2 tfileta, fruit tre. In me lot and K'tf'd view. LAI'AiMKT COj 110 Sutter at.
Or nee if nt wiilt inlden at Mill Vnl'ev ''O-it en 10. a--. wm if A' I MLIL BARGAIN F'nr tiasi'mkxt rim. hms. AM) HATH: IKA Tl 'UK4: II IX rOllf'IIKS; ul'KN FIRV, bur i.a WON! 'Kb I'll.
SCKMC VIKW; (JMI.V J-IVr, AJ1.M 1 Ln 'U(JM hTAIKJ.V i) i errn i 11 WlOmB LC 0. US' I ATI I WAS down In Sau tat week and I walked thioui.ll linoii h.pmre aim the uiiml) uf lueti around these tired eyes, w.alng iwlient.y. iiiiw-rabi) for tlie call to piw ou. Tbeir live s.ient iim a 1 1 is imiuy lnf nine on el attriiHih gtue. uot a cent aaird in all the jeaia ol toil; not a man on UKaol iehes but Lad Wolktd Laid and 1'Hiif.
T.iu boil Imi a and toarbd hand proud that, but what au end to a lt'-A mat' in I' iiuai duii'ig tbe day and iiisvue a Ud lu a hotel at niko'-, and 1 call tell ou 1 b-l liiad tiiat 1 lea.ised buw useilss biliocina lor otbera Was ill time 1. levwif Worked for () tmr at wagia ior ctbei and ut the en I of it I bauii't auvtd old. "ot Mv tmal and liiing cxu bai kii4 up with mv income ear, the same as it i Uoiu; witu the wutamg loan right now. Over ur year ago 1 came her and bcuglil li, ') a acts faun on fas) pay men, a and nur'el to iuae uitf a today it is ail raid for. I be my deed end I my and barn and uicbard, and my vegelalilo garden giie me all 1 lou u.j keiis and uiy I ig'tius and mv berries.
heu 1 get old I will have a better place than a seat Anion h.piare and so can jou all. The ninie man I Isaiaut from is seili.ia' R-acre lcrel fa nn, clife to my hou-e iiere for $ilMl, and on terms of $L0O cnih and baiaiji $10 a mo. until paid. If you write pie 1 will iihow jim tt.e.-ie farms and Kit'), yon all lie help of my experience here, i know the b'l Mil, tho luiii-lar, the cheapest, weli Niier. 1 will eal! on you if you liie ay of the nearby towns or Oakland or San Fra'Hxeiv, as 1 visit around tiiim.
lioirt inaie here uu-tu I have deiiuile apianntmi ut, as you might mi tne. I otien in Sacrainentci and Vallejo and the lay ciiies, so wnu1 me at cnee. i guar nit" inv wonla when say you will not i egret lomba. Til wi1 is good, the climate' ia iwiii. It is cloee all cities; elect tic light and tele- jirtiT ana k-IkniI nd guwl road I riUi ilia lovilav.
Aibiress n' al Box Route 2. Calif. nntel. tur, ctore, P. gas elation; 7 aire in town; 11 rml' R'd dnw, in mountain, on huiiway; 20- iis'in house, turuisl.rd; barn, corral.
netting Live, abundance fit. tiavuy water tor irru'atieii, aliiiibbery, sliaile, Hue gsrdeti, b.r pati-h, grapes large figs, wii'iiuls, chenies, -iuiirn, etc. cows, cslveh, giaul team, 0 hos, I d' i -K un, wnnonj, lumess, tool; gisl nstiiitg; line climate; te-t water income; ro opvositum; must seen to i' Uppreeut ed lug game, tuning; total priei, every! lung, iiicluiling grovr Ki'ica, hurry. 4. LENS I Ef Ul, JliW Blue lUddiug, Income 50 acres.
Ideally located to school. H. station and fronting one of the principal cumy macis; ail level and tun. at, ot loam alsait 2s acres in 'full tvaring table and wiuo graiies; 5 acres a isorted bearing fruit engl. walnitls, 175 fr.
prunes, sil bear 'g; remHiiung liitel set'dixi gram; in dern 2-story residence, exterior cemoit (in l-h, S'lroniiided by shrubuere and (in. shade tnis; antwtantial ii story bum l'iendid whUt aystem from wells. operaP' lv engine and milis; poultry plant ior several thousand lieiu. Price term cadi. This pros er.y cannot l.el dupl.tigtril lor rtTe, price, losii-riiuu Will proie my 1'srticniara, I VI A 1 1 Scvoiiiua.
Cat. I YorXu prune orehtrd and floe imnroi'd honte plaiw; 35 mi. from g-svi cay; good 4 acre iu nne-yr. iwimm', small family orchard bcarfmt p-st hay bind, son? of wiiich lie planted 'to piiiuea; gnid fences: fine 0-nim s.ii.miiHl hard nnb'hwt. baih, but and cold waier, all modern built-in W'MlId COsl lltsillt to build now; iaijfe Dam.
ciiiiercticl and stan-chionx for cons, bar hhiui, mini room, fetd room, two largo ehii'ki Lpmler house, suiill boime wire b-iicr-. 2 Wig 'iia, smsle and chubia harness 3 gang 1 Plow 1 culiiia'c-, harivw, tools, gvod well iKired, engine ai.d pump, and tanlv ielor pi; ad to bimuui and vegetable guiMnl; price TxX); 1 paying ito a luonth, put. tim gas with place: inicl*t emifider some citv v. Box fj Cs 1 1 A Genuine Bargain 20 acres. 2 miles from Sonoma City; yery close to school snd R.
It. station; i acres of which is the very choicest of laitloin land; finest potato, tomato tit alfalfa land and can be ungated creek, remain ing land very slightly sloping, also first- class fruit land. On bottom bind are 250 Bartlett pears, 1 and 2 years old, 2,500 tomato planU, upper laud 25u Flench iiins, 1 year okl; new house, barn, bored well with an unlimited supply of water fankhonse not epiite finished, mill and tank on place; inclusive 2 horses, 2 wagons, 14-U. p. paiuilin engine, pines and tools; price tenns, i.a-msh.
Thia i indeed a bargain. Coin and see for yours. Inquire WAGXEIl. Sonoma, Cal. NAPA COUNTY 31 acres, 3 miles7rom Xapa, on Napa river; 2o sere (nil beari'iit ITimes: 10 ai es diiry ntid hog ranch; 30 registered Duro rigiAtured llolstein cm and calf, 2 Jersey rtiws, team of horses.
i waiions, all kinds of implements and lools, trays, 4o0 new modern 7-rc-im house, laige Iwrn and niitlmlldinga; hoiiseiiold and kitchen furniture, piano, eveoibing complete. income jti.bit) year. Bit lb.0, Exuniner. $5m PER ACRE 17 acres in choice reaches; ail trees planted with biust, insuring sub irrigation; also plenty of water irrigate; crop estimate! at 2 tons per acre this year, contracted at, $10i) per ton, goes With pUiaj if aold at once; s'nall cottage, well, eta. ROY O.
LONG 2140 Shattuck, Berkeley. ASK FOR MR. SKILLIXG. FirTTSTE" ORCHARD THAT 1 UK) acres on highway, aear Vlmba; 75 acres rune oyer half 3-year-old. rest alfalfa: only 1-3 cash; tbi is a real producer and will pay big; best prune proposition in California; more water than yon need; good house, Urn and other buildings pump plant; all implements in-(hiding tractor, for quick BARN'.
VI LLI AM8. Calif. A fine ranch for saie for I 'mils sell, as I am alone ami S4 yeuis old: must retire; sediment land and level, fumily orchard, 5 room house, 4 hen house fur 7'i0 brooder for (iO) hicks, big Urn, waUT, plant and outbuildings; 1 miles ii'taitj soxred, 4 head cattle, S7 liens 1010 new Ford Uniting car, tools, impla. wagons; casli, long k-iiii, smaii laiymenu. ilex Beta lnrra.
f'abf $0 (TiTTTriWiKTr KvTT. Jlge-ej owner, sick, otters incovne rancn at rsirmeaci, peaches, apri-i ceTts, annua, 'inmnpson gra)w and young fit's; splendid water from deep Weil for il ey.mi'rrabte iiouhc. eood out buildiriot; Well nouipVel; full price, includ-ii'l BIG CKCjf' NOW HAKVE41 IXi. hfsn. wagon, implements, etc.
half cash, balance ttm. Address, for full 4W Stow Oakland Sonoma Co. Property Before Ton buy, sre or write A. ORE.f snd It. BCTTCT for lame or small ehirken ranchr.
fruit farms, dairy and cattls ram he. tonU'r land nnd beautiful summer homes. We can suit almost any one 's wants Prices ntcing $500 to JlOi.Os). Phcne 1( F2. Office next to Postofliee, Bore.
Springs. Cslif. FOR Side A real fnn. "niiim "from Oakland in Contra Costa coniitv: tina deetv. level fceJitneot vrfl; ru adolie or alkali; Ho acres 10 ii tun set, larm maiilinas; tesian well on place snd pletit) water for Pnt-ation for alfaila can lie develooed; on liigiiway c1ok to good town; ifisitireiy lung lann buy in emi'ity at $225 j-r but so ing is believing; eiine out and I'll siiow you.
0, H. HAYDEX. Martini, Cal. ATl'i'NTl'iX One of "the" Ir si tl'iuipi'eJ ranches in Caiif. 110 bet fee SOIL, slspted for HOPS, BARTLETT PEARS; any kind of fniit; neb in alfalfa and grain; now nn as dtiiry; plnty of wind anl water; SPLENDID IMPItoTE-MKNTs; wiil sell with iw without p-rsonal p-ooertv: most If I.ALTI1IT PART OF THE STATE; write for information to owner; no agents.
Box 22H5sf, Examiner. BEARING VALNU1 a 4 3i M1XCTES' DRIVE frwu Oakland; 12 arr lvjear wn'nu's I i a 5 year pear. 0 acres other fniii, 2)) acs ar oe niu 5't acres Lay and isis-tnre; bei'ldint'. line water condiUous: rut rroji go-s to buj.r if s.dd at r-ncv- 25 'v: trr-'-v E. B.
WILSON. I'EAR'T BTILT1NG. SACRIFICE rni NE AND WALNTT RANCH. acren, 2 a. in prune, 12 a.
iu walnut bctwer-n 4 and 5 old, -iel a. in family orchard; em county r'd; soil extra Op ii eoriuition; for cimck Kale i'ib'J. I Owner t.l.IMM,' st, Oskiaid R-ACRK lis i in. fn soil. wire fenced in fruit treew; pul'4, 41 fcenal bmrrr, plow, bsrr-w, 2 'l tirinr.
garden toot. hy- 4-r torn, em bw. bsfii, wall bed, sbping' porch, mar 2 R. Stat birtwuy, gchivoL I fi'ig'ilvT: s. r.
art mile; ecrn tw v'e it: rah, 1m1. ti-rie; vio aants. I BEARD. Sonooia, CaL, i A. FINE ORCHARD In the ruuful Sewi vrria Taller; rVwelid tbnfty jonna imn nf in l.r:-i.
ao'lt. prun" '1 pear: rooe'em wirn ail inexhnit ta-v' ii.cJr, wt-r to 1 bdii-bngs ud gartenj well lrxuili. an ileal cmnTry h-ne enryer.ient to schrols and rai'wse' statiox vj f. NtVE't' i. 4 LTY OO.
prvynt. Cal ami for rj-uUt szuf. aear BaJusraield. P. bbx'lOlS.
i fill Mill 40 i FAMILY cmsrrels are aenernlty stsaed on a Hiiuday, but did on enr wonder will tell von; )t ia tors'lse the wholt family is CikijiI 1111 imi.le the fences of a Uuwial le eiiy lol. 1 1 in ui of toe bonne, otherwise kpoun as (lie "ford of Crev ti .11 around growling god Viiuii-blihg and louVing for trouulo until biiaity be tliida It. Krieiid wile liually net'- ymia and lands on his tuck: It i just llie same as putting a I'd ol ia'a in a ery aiuud insin; Jim can l.x'k tot a r' i'ii'l sci io In a aliort time: liON'T LIVE YOFU IN get out. jou men an Women, iuvo the Couuliy, your lieiilage. Buy a farm ol your own to fuss with: it a I1m.11 more fmi than foing with tbo family; every aud woman should own a larm of their own for man years I huve I "en cittma up laige traits into small laruis and aelliug them on lenns a child can keep ui.
and cioee to Francisco too. only bra. auto tun from Oakland, 1 '3 bra, run trom Vallejo, ahont 14 inil-a from tidewater, close rnnugh to get tlie biee lu aniiiuier, and plenty ol Warm aunslune: Vou never can realize the feeling you will! CMieiieliee ytln'n vou buvo a (ana if or1 10 acres to plan out and improve, and put orchard on and put shade trees iu, audi gradually improve in your holids and vcn.r spare time, rtting it ready for the tune vou will want to (riv up the city work, THERE IS NOT A MAN but who eu-, buy frr.m tne; all I aa down on a .7 acr fm is $ltsi that pavmt. and tin rial. $10 ft rim.
and all 1 ask on 10 acre f.iim is the full price on a line level 5-sere faim is only and it's real soil, good for orchard. itrdeu tru-k, alfalfa, Willi real g'ssl water c)cth tr the mir-face, and no flosis or lever; give the family a chance for frish air on the firm; give yourself your rights; own your own lann: 1 bate given the dee.u. to tliui esc nils wbu Would never have Ismgl't. saie en mv terms, and i want to gUe YdU VOL'lt 'DEED: write me todav for mv free illustrated MAP THE PI ON-V" AC A I I VALLEY, mailed free on reouest to any acldrvnn; your leitera will rveehe pio'iii't itk thu nuestiong you waut. Ad-lresa CHARLES LOCKE PADPOM 'Owner), tiuite 41S 410-420 Hearst Corner and Marset am Fra, Cisco, CaL FARM LANDS SACRIFICE SALE on acronnt of did-slon of estate; lulblieaiing oacre prune orchard with a gniss ibcome of over per year, on the Saratoga 1 1 1 cr 1 1 a hear svhot.l seven-riKiin firm house, large 2-stor) liarn, drying implemeiiis and uays; $10,000 will lailanr at Rplendid LOS ALTOS HOME with 11) acres liill-lwuriDS cots and pmrs, c'nso to S.
p. station and electna cars; mag-niflccTt view of Hie fisjihiils; social lu-d'jcemenl lor uuick ule. FREIT. ALFALFA, 0 ARDPTN LAND PROVEN, near PALO ALTO, in tracts of 15 acres or more; ahitnihmce of Hater to be lotinl: price 5ts) per acre; tenua; an oiipcuuinity. phone Sunday.
M. H. TIKNOIt VEN E. I'll A NKLIN j. Orange Grove Bungalow Farm 21 Acres, Equipped On good mad, near city; 19 acres nnd-r productive cukivation; Imrd'tB lake; orange grots, grapefruit, iraxh trvs, iears, plums, figs, grapes, guaviu, all lieariug; gewd 7 room buiiiialiw, a piazzas; luni.
poultry nouse, niaiuiincni lawn, atirutiherv, rose, buslies, oak and magnolia siuuie; oviner retiring; include li.irsn, machinery, tools at quick action price, eafy terms. Tietails, picje 35 htrout's new llliia-traled catalog oranga gnne and farm-: copy (ree. STROLT FARM AGENCY, Wright CailemUr bldg t.o Angc'es, JRCED SALE OF ItHJLTRT YARDS Account of sickness must sell the following property: Four lots, aba't 200 lect jipiare small rcnlrl'Hico, 3 tveiltrv building 12x21 feet. 2 cement buildings 12x21 feet, Brooder house. 12x22 fct, 1 laving 12x10 feet, 1 feod, and tank hriso 24x24 1 in'iilwtcr house 22x24 feet, 540-egg Charter ineubi-tors, 1 210 new Jubilee incubator; every-th nir iu tools, machinery: 1 Jer sey- Holste in cow 4 years old; abundance ofi greens; plenty of water pipe! to buildings; runs for irngaurm; other artcies too nu- meious mention; about 1,200 Feme, Martin and McFarlane White Ijeghorn.
Trj plant eotdd not be replaced for less! than $12,400. 'The first buyer takes it fori fi.wsj eisii, inqniro a. LA ttrs (j tege block sovtli of Stege school. Treated fn the Aromas section of the famous Pa: am Valby, 0 mil, from Wat-S'4itilJe; 17 acre rich dark loam soil, 0 res in fruit. 1 acre jveara, years old; 3 acres in apricots ycara old with good crop, which is included: 2 a-re in young ota, 2 years old, Iwlance in com and hay noure; riue spring water pii'ed in louse; gas-dine engine and tank; garage; 3 chicken bouses; located on the new highway, now building to Hanta Cruz; lovely climate Ideal aurroiindings; price one iiait casn.
AROMAS REALTY Aro'vss, Calif. A $15'jAiO STOCK RAN'fni, lO.UMi rixtra fine strxiK ranch, with KOO acrD subiect to gravity IrniraLnin, of which are pow in alfalfa, lailanne hay and grain; miln tencing bait ot wmch iiogti'ht; ranch well watered with live streams and 9frings: some stock and lurgj amount ot hay mciiMos; plenty tine mi pnvementa; price very liberal terms. A. BRFNE, 370 S.
F. MENDOCINO C0r24(acit! Imp'rovecl "stock and "choir ratjeh: 80 acres rich valley Dnd; H0 acres in' hay; mcwtly" all good alfalfa and .40 acres open hillside for pasture or 15 aevs "enuitie peat soil, drained and tiled; lisprings, all lying above land; bftmtiful climate; fine hunting; fi room dwellirnr, 1 lancn bun and outbuildings; 3'4 miles good fencing; family orchard. 40 trees bearing; income, besides living, not less than pir year; price cash. School. Auto road to jfiUtl.
ACHEI.EW' CoveloCaL A "FARM" frO $750 $100 CASH $10 PER MONTH. In Sonoma Valley, the "Valley of the Moon, 45 miles from S.m Francisco he Iw-it climate in the State: Bl min walk from famous Hot Snrings; ideal location to LIVE, to raise FRl.TT and CHICKENS. Call or write at once for maps, etc. IHCHAIiD WALLER CO.MPANT, Phone Douglas 3715. 316 Bush nan Francisco.
Mb What prorision are you making for old age; invest in sfig orchard and pay for it in Ave years, and retire if you with; I will uhow you the finest viropositiun in the Wan Joatiuin Valley; laud vt acre. Room 110 1, 1 Sutter st- Phone Garlield C05. Income Prune Orchard Ten acr-w on Doyle road (this year" crop est with proiierty); all kinds of water; improvements nominal; best buy we know of in 8.nt Ciara for tha money. $15,000, $5,000 citah, balauce either mortgage or crop income, B. MACADAM Hv Suiter st.
100 acres. 13 miles from Stockton, htind-ings, sheep-tigiit fence, gxid huaring fruit trees, 7 acres vineyard, soil easy to cultivate; 6 acres gardeu land; irrigating not necessary; good springs; splendid to coloi will sell 40 acres, horses, implements, boxes, pri'-e 2-3 caah and H't. See me at Hotel Woodrow, Oas'and, July IS). Io not phone. J.
G. F' ISTER. Vacaville Ranch acres the yery finest of crock bortoru lard; or nurd on sides: email sprient orchard, tnll bearing; 4 noai giHid well; near school; very finest of fruit and yeEotable land; mortgage vm trade ior cleir Oakland pruptny or give Urms for caiui. C11AS. H.
TAYLOR 1512BRJ2ADVVAY, OAKLAND. 0 Bl IS 320 ACLES. I Vn in ti county. 2 miles from U. H.
town; 2j umler criUiration, -small faaiilv balance roiling psstnr nd wcl well, gis engine, piunp and Unk: bam, hjg and cbieaen toHtse; investigate this at once; excepiio.ial oppunnnity to eeure a lar-u ai way oeiow it yaiue. i'botoa at VV K. BOODY A CO TTO Bush t. A BARGAIN, Win acres, n-w t-roomTion, barn, large rhickn wonse, faming irr.plce-mcflts, pkritv toels, 8.500 gall' wster tank, rletitf snrin-r of wat-r. 1 of yonng eat'le.
2 horses, 2 W) chick-eiis: I irie in seal frtut tie. pl-nty t. wood. CO tie's of wood alrea-'y cut; rsncb lo tons erf hay; look th' uc: pric HISKLEY, bM MAKKKT AT ELT.f ST. Ktli Lonr (GORE).
1 i OR sile I) arre prune. 4 lu fiiil lvean-g balance young tr-s. good crop on tree now; 2 eocja cj! iinierove-merits; 1 mue e-eiurt Santa ita lor ari b-rTb. wr 'e uwjdj; no ux iJ, sljiLoil. Caiit Banker 128 Sutter St, Bao Franrlsr.
oncnAni) pRoprriTY, B'iO on lngiivay north of Banta Tt.isii: Lib acres in orcbatd; Bal acrea more amtulile; Minpleto eiiuipuieiit for orchard tud farming with tiraii aud other neceasary Uildiilgii, PlHM ('(Ml, FltCIT AND HOMFV 80 ACRES- On hurhway at Anlaim, In orchard; inijratioh ditch and spring wter ni'Mlem boune, v.iraee; tlrie vie') lit. eal cli- male, utit-ap, ixst 01 leruu. PEAc'llES. 25 ACllES Level, near Coming, Tehama ootiaije, barn, well and tank I10UBA. f- lli.a I Iu hull on Uie lives.
CasU tS.TAKJ. NAPA'OFNTI. 217 A CHEs mcles from Nana City: 20 Kens sill soil, balanca oiien and wooded liilis: two hung airrains, enough oak, r1 w.shJ and pins to pay fir rauoh: good 0 riaiin bungalow. Kivo liarn: all tenced ea.ji, liicliiilmg all iinpleiucnta and icu ueau ot aioca a 1 Atovrxj In almonds; exeellent coiiuiuon; tine ami; owner win traue tor suburban home up to and take luungae for balance. SANTA OtTarT VALLEY KI'k'IIAf.
1B7 ACRES Fine roiling land in Santa Clara near Creek: 4 miles from Monte Vista station; good soil, springs and cottage and bain: spkodid for snitarium or resort ur lot development in liuiU Coeap iou per acre. bet una quick. 1.000 ACRES Jf deep sediment Boll on Sacramento rner. nejr Chii-o: Hns for daifl. or qreftards; splendid supply of water n.r aomesiic ue ana irrigctti 1111 the prop erty; gxiu uioucrn omuuigi.
nue K00 ACRES Fine soil cut over land; mile and ball from Euresa; part level aud part rolling plateau; pieaty of water and feed in test dancing ciisirtet. a great fpirtunity to dovelup and cinate a very Tal- ua.i'18 pruiwny, iTioe KJii.uiM OiMweliiCarawaB MCI. 128 Sntter St. San I'ranelsco. oargsiin Close to s.
F. MAGXinCEXT COFNTItY HOMB. Income Property VViU pay for itaelf by subdiyiding Into uiu acreage ana then reiaiiimg ruougn laud, orchard and yincjard for home use. 220 aces of iand in beautiful Sonoma valley, 42 milea from city. 2 miles Iroui Sonuna, City; school adjoining and ou tnain highway; UO acn-s.
full beaiing yiuevarl, one-half interest with trait trees, B) acres iiui-oenring orciiaro, a'f farming land land niUirur; hmitml supply of wsUt lor irrigation and uumesiio use; splendid mislern residence exterior 'cement lluisli, hardwood fini througlirsit; garage; bouse for help; aUbh and lm; nnioiiig English walnut and uaim uneci onveway leading to houae property that can not be dupll caunt for tlte price; Inspuo- iiou win prove my assertion. Farticulars 'v vv Konoma. cl. Artistio miasion atyie rsidciics witli un Kuniassel view; living room 15x30. Inrue uivi'iai-e.
miesiey nimirure, raners.111 Angelus player piano simrooin wicker and cretout. laree, beautifully fur lushed 1 tdrcoma, ludipie dining room with full CQuipmcnt tor twelve, kitchen unci emioes ccjinpieta in all details, extra out Bin-pHiK nouse, sione tfcrracea rose yarueu, wano), rusUC bnciges. eiant red wovxls and insdrones; this property is offrv' funiisiiwl for laillding alone cannot iioocniei at, tnis naure. Apply for a Pointment to owner only, P. O.
box 236, monie juo, vat m9nl A PRCNH $7,000 crop- this year. 60 acre 1 miles from Hcaldstorg. 20 acres bearing orchard. 0 acres 4 years ohb 35 Dhun trnes. 5i lirsynnatvln Tvnt Inn.
few peach, per, cherry, fig and walnut trees, li4 acres alfalfa, 8 acres bottom lann potatoes, fii'0 prung ways and dipper, 250 boxes. Good 6-room, base men bam modern hotnw, bath and ontbnildiiics. and Prune hi tool house and blacksmith nop. 2 gas engine (1V4 and h. p.
irrigating 2 hones, 1 cow, 2 pigs. ete. All kinds wagons and fanning iaapli tnents and tools. Electricity. Price.
$27,000. Part cA; terma, Examiner. Box Folt sale. acres of mountain range In Men dociuo couniy. 30 ndniUAs highway, on good county road: lying almost square; tH.M'r.O with American woven wire and to barlied wirea; wooid be an cirvelleut place for summer home or game "rT e'i oi surrouniuiig cinintry ocean can i seen trim one part; would be; food for cattle, hogs, sheep or goats; good arn, small house, lamily orchard, two hundred tiles; fmit does well here and is of good quality; about two-thirds is eight to ten million feet of saw timber, redwood and pine, several thousand cords of madrone, black oak and lir; six to eight huncred cords of bark; place is well watered, having springs on all parts of Uie ranch; also goof sila springs; pleasant in summer, having the ocean breeze; it is an ideal place for health and could lie made a Place of profit as well.
See tha owner. BKIGGS, I kiah, Cgl. I DAIRY RANCH; KM) ACKE.C iot) per month income; over worth of personal property; 80 acres alfalfa! all Irrigated, on ninin canal; -room modem house 2 large, barns, severnl mitbnil'lirira, bunk house, silo; gas engine; thoroughly equipped with all kinds of tools and implements, 50 head first -class milk cows, 4 heifeia, 3 bogs, etc; tons feed in Jilo, 100 ton alfalfa hay in stack, 40 tons hay, in barn; $32,000 for everything com-ple'e; $10,000 cash; give immediate pos-friASion, Box 1105n, Examiner. a JAcre Hoime Farm Adjoining my property with a bouse of 5 on beautiful' crwk; fine tliicken hoove. large barn, family orehurl- all rih garden soil that can be bought tor cash and the bal.
of on easy payments. Ree my place and judge what the p-MvihiHties would be on this. P. o. box 111, Novato.
Telephone H-2P12. DEVELOP A RANCB WHILE YOU WORK Our 10-scre tracts planted to any fniit you select and brought into commercial bearing on within your reach; nearly 2 010 acres sold and planted under this plan. Put your savings to work; highly develoiied thermal belt, 4 hours bay cities, pined water for irrigating at all times. Write for illustrated folder. criliLS HEIGHTS NLESERY 112S Brnadvay, Oakland HILL IiANCn NEAR ST.
HELENA. 103 acres, plenty plow land, lots of wood and some fruit, berries and garden, living spHngK pii'ed, ft-room bouse set in red- Wood grove, barn, chicken house, brooder bouse, rabbit houses, all fenced, some hog-tight, -mile to school, elevation (it JO must be sold puck for $4,000, terms $1 000 casn. oaiance only yeariv. Address ARNOLD METNEK, St. Helena, or KRAMER, LAKE CLEMO, tiol Market st FOR saL- Approximately 2'10 acres; ciear ti-tic; mile from Bon Lomond; comprising 25 acres mpes, 2 acres Fren'-h walnuts; family rirden.
cnbanl; rmning stream live Springs; lO.OoO gal. storage cement tank-water pijicil. to all part of ranch; much cleared End ready for planting; good home, barn, garige: fanning impboients; electric 1-ghting plant: summer cut a see, bent sites iu relw'l grove; 2.01 is wood, oak and eonlrj be cut; wineu-r and am tent. For r-rire ami terms write or see A COJ b-ortR. Jten Lomond.
Cal. fiTFfO A. Hop, Fniit. Vires and 7 miie south frrvn kiah; 0-room Rineiera henise, 4 barns, boo kiln and cxler, aran-ry and all nuU'l 'gs creek runs thniugh good sprivg. w.R and pump; 45 A. pears, 3' A. choice meadow; 125 A. trrnin 1," -1, 35 A avi-ra" yield 20ft tons; 1(J A. hrvtvs. averag yield all feiced ami ero- fenced; 40t erwes; 7 14 4 cow, and 3 yearling.
All farm machinery. aen, so wih the place. one-half ih. Net income $tvvivvi. .1 H.
BELL, 814 4th SANTA IloHA, CALIF. A Cozy Country Home, ri r.Asn $25 per month. fiit-rw'tn mixlern enttage; bam. cblcVei-fcouse, fmit end shade tres; fine garden soil (choice of from bi.lf to 6 acres of best of locations on nex 'nrio-i 11 5 walk frvn depot; bus to F. panees door: a healthful -d fiest hesoftfnl rit in "Tlie Valle of the Moon" (tvomw-ai.
'l or write at ence R. C. WA( LEK. 3D! Bush st. S.
F. Phone IbmghK 3715, jnr Sonnre, C'tl. Stocknsen, Dairymen arrvn, acre-, moo, enl. per n.inu'e jjiiit ing p'snt, balance rra'n and tatttre: line location: 1 e. f-ibiiiiig: lenoed nd cross feooel iern: ie bnv.
chaxpler Mn.f.rrt. Ui Federsl bMg, Oskiani C0UMT1YW1E I Vi For Sub-Division or Investment $15 000 down, takes 1,520 acrea In the ritF4.No cli.trict at only $j0 per acra. A hoot 1.4(4 sen is level, tilt loam, or decomposed grtuilto anil, yery fertile with no lianlpait Excellent demonstration of land ralne ahoan bv 2S acrea in fruit, 14 pmnea. egg plums aud apricot in lesnug; also oeu a. -res Emiaror and three acres 'Itiompson, MliMTit and Zill'andel grsrx AlHindance of inexpensive irrigating watrr; a'tes now 111 eultirstion nil- station vu tlie iiroperty; highway gs.s through It.
Jmproviinenta Include two Ave tooti linuwrt alxmt new, largo lam, bog tight, and other fencing; Im luffieirnt live block ami farm equipment to run the place. Will consider exchange at cu-h value. Dairy Kamch egjih will gain nmsexvl'm of a foing. up-lo-date Sin Juacndn valley dairy ranch fif luo acres and 50 cowa, Thia property is on the highway, only 2 miles fn. a R.
It. all under ditch; water (ot.U, $1.7.1 per 00 acre in alfalfa, iu ulfalu puituie and grain for feed, finprorementa tneltide a alio 2 barns complete equipment for handling milk and running much. Heeanse of ill health owner must nil everything on ranch (items too numerous to mention), for JLLiKK) on buyer's terms; niisht mull, but gisxl town proiwrly in piirl trade. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE we offer 1 aero stock rancb at only $11 1 Per Acre rwi terms. 8.3C0 This property join for aereral miles one oWhe most highly developed orchard tracts in California, and much or It ia fruit land.
Aliout 1,000 is fairly level kvit-tom and there ia ample alfalfa land and w-r 4sj acres carries eravily water ntlit under miod system. The fcd sold tliis Mason for $2,000 rash. Imnmved wi.h ti" 1 inail bnngae.w, fair barn and good fencing; s.oisi acrea are bog-tight. This is a real bargain. $11,600 on terms or part trade, takee 42' acres, near Healdsburg; 10 aiTs yonng viueyani, cmp estimated at 15 tons; Interplanted with imperial prunes 4 years old; 2 or 3 acres of prunes and mixed fruits, full liearing; water tor irrigation; 15 acres good bay laml: 15 acres rolling land in timt)er and brush.
room house, ham, chicken hotise, 2.000 capacity; 8fi0 laying hens, complete ecinip-meut, liome ami cow included; wUl tuucl full invehUgaUou. TP II -A 168 Sutter St. SAM FfLVNCJSCO. Boardman Bros. Co.
NEAIt SAUATOOA. THE BEATTTIFTTL. A great little b'sne of one acre; line enil; 75 big full bearing trees; $4 000 new bungalow; garage; chicken the en tire property in the luoat excellent condition; close to highway aud tratuportalion; price AMONG Tfin WOODED OTLLS A great sweep of hills and canyons; Tery productive soil; 15 acrea cleared: 30 acres wooded; marvelous and incomparable cuuiate; uiipruvemenrs are high-claw ana comirativelv new. This pronertv cost, in catli, $311100; will sell for $15,000. or exchange fw San Francisco or Oakland income property to less, same, or more valu.
ADJOINING PALO ALTO. Three acres of rich vegetable, frtrlt and alfalfa land; 4-room house; fine well; big tank, with cemented floor tankboufe; lag Bleeping room sh tank hewwa; chicken ecpiijunent for 4'l fowU; gamje; a wonderful bargain st JtWAKDMA BROS. T4 CO. 32 MONTGOMERY ST. MEXbOCLNO" "COUNTY" LANl).
in acres, close to town, on main State highway; house, barn, good well, 7 acres in apples, 7-year-old trees, full bearing; price IflO acre monntain ranch: hrmse. Visrn 5 acres under fence; fruit and berries; fine garden; irrigated from large spring; only 8 miles from It. R. by trail; bost hunting ground in the country; good fishing close by; considerable work has been done on this place. If you are looking for a mountain oiiung place, this is iu Price only 91, uw BcmutlTnl errantry home, containing 85 acres; good house, large ham.
apples and hemes; garden track that can't be beat anywhere; potatoes and cabhago, all kinds of garden truck grows to perfection: this piac.e inuar, be sten to lie appreciated; 12 ilea from Willits, on good county road, Mi miles from good school; plenty water; creek and large spring; improvements could rrJ 'q'ww ior iirice omy can give terms on pait. E. fl. KOTTf Wli.f.TTS AriS' A LLLBEAla.S i PEACH ORCHARD. PEACH ORCHARD IN MERCED COUNTY FOR $350 AN ACHE, and 4his year's crop is included in the price; positively the biesrest barrain in the San Joacium Valley; orchard ia near excellent town, on S.
P. and highway; 05 ACRES in 8-YEAR-OLD MCIR aud Lo-VELL PEACH1.4 for $350 PIOR ACRE and 00 acres adioiiiina- (are now iwd for double crops! for $Hi au acre or ior ine wnoie prointry; pientv ot water; caretaker's buildings; cash wi'l handle the crop will )vide for considerable part of this, balance to suit; this is a life's competency in this piace. Write or 'tele- hone lonjr distance tor directions tn reacti ng property. If price and terms mean nothing, thia properly will lie sold 011 siyht. M.
V. B. MACADAM O0 fiS ST. FOR SALE B0YES SPRINGS Highland lots in Sonoma County; also periect little garden larms with bran.l pew bungalows on same: price on lots from to $'100 and on small farms, easy payments. Ore At Butter, agents on premises.
W. B. McGerry Co. 41 Montgomery WalnutPFruit 18 acres beautiful creek bottom land within hi mile of highway between Wlnut rck and Concord about 20 mile fmm Oakland; all set to walnuts; irrigation pumoing plant; surrounded by beautiful orchards; none better iu the district; circ*mstances permit me to offer this excellent property at a sacrifice. Ask about it.
L. HCDY 851 RI SS PIIONE SITTFR'1707, SA NI'3 ANCISC4 1. 3T LITTLE GEM. 14 acres of a mile from Caloella; 4-r, modern boue, bath barn, brooder house; large chicken house; water pjd to all buildings; 2 acres peaches and pears, full bearing; fcOO Thoiiusrm seUess vines, full rjoering; i.ciuu young vines; jciu young prune trees; tla'-kbcrnes, strawlx rries, gooseberries and radpbv-rrics: cwn, beans. squash, melous.
potatoes now growing; 170 laving nens, ni young jntiiets; all kinds farming impletnents and tools; brat ciass enndition. Box lllkdiit. Examiner. FOR sale Honolulu orange fToye, in Oranev Blossom Colony, near Oakilale, Htanislau consisting of 20 acres orai'gcs. 1 mostly navels; 4 acres alfalfa, 4 acres grain (and for acres, with creek, for pasture; 30 teres in whole; price $750 per acre, including li milking cows, 3 horses, some chickens and all equipment for packing the fruit and working the nlkce: this place is in a high state of cultivation with up-to-dabs improvements and is cheap buy for some one: tre-es are 20 yejara old.
Apoly to VULLIAM 1'UAIT, It. F. I). Box 5L Oakdale, Cal. Small Farm Horn 5 acres, level in Iron'li prmes: fumilv orciiaru; new xl bungalow, batb ram.
gncxi wen; a ne.mill: half cash. Vi acres, level, in aJmonds; family orchard, tank-house, 2 nrg gas en- anne, wcu, ijih t-ash. si ao-ee. leiei, iu lurr-iisrt walnuts, inter- r-t prunes: farrulr small bceiss. wr-ii, iumjj, casn.
1 tour iakiirl, hif'-way or elec railarar It! NiTT, Concord, Cab A Bl HE PERSONAL PROPERTY AN YOU CAN HAVE THIS MANTCCA DAIRY HAVCrf 45 ACRES, NEAR ANTE) A 3e "acps of which are in standmc alfalfa; good lot ti wter; 20 cows milking, 15 dry In young stock; all imple-mcnu, hay etc cvesrithiiig gvv-s for $22, On; pri-t cal man ay have $5mx Jf-j ha), ar-se as little a $1 a fear. Write or long tiijtaa. for detail fear rcciiii ranch. M. V.
B. MACADAM A ITTFB r-T CALUiRMA InV ''suhurl-un SiU S'Tc. iiismve iwoperty, 5 rril. basin-w cett-'r ba-rsmentn, near lar city ri and rmintr duo. incet roxrt.
transi.r,atioTi 11 acr liearng almond. iive- and fambv fruit: lTiguoii points, moelern It Piorn noe, iihone. gar barn. PMilfry b-us, 2 hor 'owl ievry hoiiw frT QW iML )4s rvaiTsssi nut, IU, (Ti) nnW TS-m. II 1111 III! 20 GOOD HOME For Family With CHILDREN TO EDUCATE Wmom modem resldi-tir located Tir Palo Alio High Cinrtillrj School for Girls ami Stanford University: large STcrtnids; faintly rWchard lull peering primes, chicken rilitntit, ham eie; price M.
II. TICHENOlt eV fV) 150 InivcDily Plf AlPhJal. VTTKSunri ii "cot.oVY. PaLo al-lO, demon, tx-yumi th wilurij dream prse. coinhtnaiuin of FOEL'I KT aad tha HOME GARDEN.
Th. luxuriant gardena arouinl lb cocy home ahow qiui'K reaulla fMto the tut of poultry niamna twiiiHn lo.tllUM 1 Oil Should see the GAEL' EN HUM r.S.witlj poultry for iueome, located cm, tha nrbovt grden loam ami; with uper-miuunr. 01 Vrigatlnn wtrr; finest dim. la the wind, and noma market for P'-sby. tit tha famous WEEKS' POrLlKlf RANCH anil we wht 14 teanhca In poultry raining.
Writ for jit. at once. 41HAIII.F.H WKF.KM. I'aln Alto, lots. MviW.
P- lnt I Tl I IIKIT'tH. prone SAN MATK.O CO. ITRAI KSTATB IN SAN MATEO PARK An unusually artistic house aet on a iri fU11kt.1l with gardena ami hroh. with lame living room, sun court, dining room, three btdrtxmia room; $15,000. U'.
a aid selection and maid a of cottages, hniuralow ami home at Ml price. 1ft. J. r-xni 1, 1 Vi Jo at, and 2d ar. Pbone h.
m. 41 SAN MATEO PARK hth: hdwd. larits lot; ahunduuM Irntf, tuliful aliruouery; price ih, im. other rhoice liauun iu tliu woudcrtul lu-eatiou. Kee H.S.
F00TE 13th Af. and Ptatc Ilichway. Sn Mateo. Open HuTi'layt. I'lNK mod.
rVj--toi'y Lutina low, part 6 rooiim, 2 bath: mm pori-h; frmta, t.iiw-em, gard; clikkenti; gaa, elcc, btium mtn, tn its. th.a. N. MUbrao I'ark. Miltrne.
rr-i-- 'TiiniiTiiTTutuT, Colma; I(Xl per acre; i)tjit o-t, veRtatJea or pas- ttiraite Itrl IN "Ban Jiiiuo. h-toon noime. ire. Kroondi, fniit trce. ha.rtea.
7S lJ(JPA ii7ii k' kdiUihw. froil renniihln'. rr lini' SA MATKO IlIOAIi IJX "SaiiTMaterBS'jtains N.t 4-rni. honae; lot 4(Villfi: elose to depot and achoola; suap; tcma. Kt a-rwim remeot haxement; lot SOiU5; near school, depot.
lii'OO; turnis. uujn alaiin. p-rown 't porch; lot MOxJIR; ciiicaen inm3 Umrlinr fruiti minutes' walk carline; trees; Uttle farm home; terms. nva- nit miU'N tiaa'niiful 7 niL bouse, line, location; 2 Iwtli-, furnace. fKirch; lot Cieln(); gtrago.
fmit tr-es; ift.OpO; only l.rH dowu, CORNEAII, 031 Hearst and Mkt S-OB HaliN ice "home; VL'-rH' fml caah 1 1W0, balance nionttily, 3 large aiumy t.itr aarsae. ll full twarii'g tret-s: K5, 6xl50: situated conveniently to 1 C. K. .11, cars and K. P.
depot. Address Snn Mtio, Cal. m-W cot tare, large lot. chicken bouses, hutches, farilen, near Crocker Tract D-eent Iftie; very easy Venn Ttnx lllllfil. Examiner.
iOSSice' "li6iise7TaJgelr'. cideken bouse, (tardi-n, near MILLETT, I'olms Cal. Colma- JOE 41 JiOO DANDY little -rm. Ismgalow. 2 wall AHto mad; jnst 0)9 thinf lor week dlatrirt) and a 1)3 OW bun-ow, all f( It will cmt for ffioving Uie bldg.
on the lot; Uie property will be worth .500 nd will cost yon only Don delay; this will go quick. u'l. i i7niiiT. littiA 4-rm. ana fx bungalow on pared st Thin plac ia worth 3.0(H).
but for onlek saie yrm ean have it for oevi'iinw ft and dandy i niitnninir ulant, worth $jO); free water; some bargain. Roe Una quick. mmh uiviTiiv p.r vcalow. .1 mi KYlot SlxisO, Twith over Wfrth of st, work done and If $1-00; ptimuing plant, free water. Id walk to OITOUTCNITT: modern bnngalow, 6 rnut.
and 6 nun walk to lot KJOUU; fruit trees; beautiful frorden; garage. RwlwrwnOLqL- 8 r. house, ATlSnLl VLEGANT; furnace heat, elegant liath and fm.t yera niod- era water equipment; garage and room for chauffeur; rery best enviionment. S15 000 111 3 balhs; large Sfvacions liing breakfast and dining rms. aviary flowers and shrulia.
5.6oft Wonderful buy, close in. 500 Lot lOOxlW); 8 nn. house; fine Well and lota of fruit: snap. 4 rm. cottage and fine well; fmit trees; more laud available.
9. nnft la laftxIIW: close to factories; AliHEAOE-I have some small acreage left in good locations on easy terms and anain I tell you that land will NEVER Bt, THIS CLIMATE. uditEUT J. LETlSj. Opp.
S. P. depot, Kodwood City. U'en nunoa.T.T. Lambert Walter Broadway, opp.
Oentthonfle, Ttcdwcipcl City. Hav the largest listings of town and country properties tor sale. Do uot buy uulil you have visited our offices. Onen Sundays. I'bone Redwood 10.
Broadway, opp. CourtbonseJtedwood ity. BBAfmiiT. NEW 15-KV')M Ul'NaAIvV. CltSE TO DEPOT; U)T PRICE TERMS KHMO DOWN, BALANCE fjKE RENT.
Al'Pf OWNER, J. W. BCT1IEUDALE, HoTKL SIXft'OlA, REDWOOD CITY. PtiONE Iledwood 1R2. YOl'R OPPtlRTTNlTY Beautiful rvroora bungalow; lVj acres laud; 3 big chicken houses; fruit, trees snrt garden; price only $3,600: $oOO down, $25 ivr month.
E. W. MAGR1DEK, UiS SUte highway. Redwood City GREAT BARGAIN Beautiful bnngalow, 8 rooms. 2 baths, 3 toilets, running water In all bedrooms; great big lot; garage: dandy locality; price $0,000 make offer: must act auick W.
MAG RUDER. 63t State highwaj, Redwood City BUY this ouick. Beautiful little bungalow, completely funib.oed; and garden galore; r0 chickens, 4 rcom flowers close to atatmn. atoree, schools, etc price only dandy lot. E.
MAGECDEH 630 State highwuy, Redwood City. city limita; water piped, elec. phone, fine roads; level, deep soil, suitahle for poultry, vegetables fruit; price $475: terms $47.50 down, $10 per mo. Owner Chelan ning. rsnttor $300 cash for my pretty little bnngalow lot.
60r240: nice road, plenty water, elect and phone: balance $1,850 like rent; not far from the station, school and stores. nttcr 2140. iifr, Or vnnr artea close in csi tine av Utt. rich loam soil; will close out at $S00 per Tot "ix SANTA CHI REAL ESTATE. $6 000; house and 7 cottages: Kiear Casino, feanta Cnw: money maker; must aell.
A. 1. HENRY, 000 Market st-, S.F.,Cal RANCHES, home, acreage; exchange; (re. tit vnf gov TtitieJ qf' IV fit (BAN JOAQI IX MiLEY RF.AL I i a i i iv OorNTY BARGATVS: 470 acrea. mostly d-tv rhorolai loam: nH ll II m.od Wuktines.
te-'nty lst soil for walnut a. ri.a Hmdunu truit or alfalfa; this year on land a.iinininr amremta tf than I am asking fir this land; price b-sa than $1K) per acre, 1-. 1 wi fti'n aandhr loem. bighl" i kmH.ii rtlin-ft and almonds alfalfa Tiouse. fin dairy barn and nVaHiilinew- trtmt Bi if oid by Aug.
1 1 immrtv at M'Tiflc pn, terms. V. Mariu BtocMon. Cai MOTBUKY II A I. EST ATE.
VTjisijijEDteiriMJow in arm. I by Uie ties i Bi ll at bargain if taken si once. feJvi Hearst birhv I.AHKITH estate. lARKspilt IN(XMK PROP. BLDcl.
again B05 ttiiCO, EXAii. IS Gi S.M A I fif) Ni Co. 2)it prime trtws. Si) sere ylneyflrsL some girlen llmt. imh'4 from town, 7 rsoii hou.r.
burn, wiueiy, 2 horavs, 2 rows, (Iiit.en4( nine tooia; pries $15,000, b'rtiia. CM acre. Naps 70 arms fin Tort toul land; 30 acre lamch laud, bl good a one piisture; ruiiinur si ream; 50 cies can be" I fir.iniy system, rocnu i. iiisu, bath ami toilet, burn, hog house, ho the. nnm fruit and viu-s; price tens.
640 acre good giaiu land, mile from goiHi thippu feme gooi building: pl.i.'e tiroihicd 20 a.nk4 to the acre this price $10 per wre, ti nns, 6,300 screa KaeramenO YaMey itnrs; ranch; abtiiiibince feed aid wat'-r; good builuiiigs, will carry htlEEP or 5'0 catlie; well located; pi tea IS per sere; ca terms. N. K. Spect Co. 20 MONTGOMERY ST.
TWSnYX aVCU I Al IT I' El), Locfted In ttis rich Monntuln View WX we hale 20 a tea lor ta.e at a baiK.dn, CiMisists of 14 acrea. in bearing orchard, 1 acres aj'isr-icj orchard; Blenheim apricot. Fn iich I runes and Engiisli walnuts. Ha g'sid reaidence ol six rooms aud sleeping LUHH-ui plum, nog, elevirlc ughu, eic. Tie i is a coiiipi'Uy sot uf outbuildings, Isirn, rage, fotlat'e for help and poultry1 house wuh rapaniv for 2,00) chicaens, hor--s, fanning implenien's, tools, cow, c4uikens ami eierj tiling es with the place.
I'm or wiil sell 10 sens wiUt a.i equipment. WILLIAM P. WRIGHT. Mountain iewt Clara Cal. IW I RANCBESIl I have ranch iTnierties in alt parts of the State, Uvtli lor sale and excliaxiga, ljiid is my line and 1 can mow you the pic of the Ktate.
It cost you two cents lu drop a 111 i a ur to call and let in. know what you waut. If 1 have it, it ngi i. ll So Si PI BACON' BLIV1, F. J.
YOUNG 12th floor, Chronicle bldg. Sutter 84S. r.5t Tenn can be amiigsd; 1M0 seres on main road, near aUonTilatj some bottom land, balance suitable for trcm, burricK, oeans; old improvements; all fiTieed. $.1,5) hi full price for 38 acres, soma hV tout laud for laians and IUbie; 7 acrrw of full apncnu, bite iring, tw cabin small liarn. fidl price for 01 cnn; nice room bouse, hot, and cold waler, both, toilet, garage, Jine laru; 24 acr'a full b'aring apricots, peacnes, some cberrim, flir, walnuts; 21 cits .11 hay; main county rosd: in iet'cc comUtion: a real bargain.
"BEATS VVOUlvrNil Foil Ti sti-s at EXTRA GOOD RICH GARDEN I.oAM SOIL WITH Uflrt OF WATER (mrinit) aud 2 Una lire oaks; one crop of early (xvlatoes should I-ny for it. Price ft.iO cash, $1.1 a month. I Yol RSEI.F A CHANCE, yoo ran't lose out. I li'KE-PADl'OX, Pa -itlc K21 Market 8. F.
PRICE $15,000, terras; CO mil. fiom Si vl-rooined modern, tank Inline, gasoline engine, 2 large electric light and telephone; 20 acre full laiir'uig cherry pre hard; 3 acres pjw ture, balance heavily wooded This year's crop sold for over $2,100. This is 1 bj-' fain. Address owner; no agent wtnb-d. Box2Jis, Sonorns Co.Cal, cres.
Turlocli District. 1 Mj miles to town: II ncrs alfalfa, (I acim orchard, 15 acres corn, 3 imi' ensilage; rtHnn houae, inxxl ham, eili), outbuildin't. 5 cows, 5 head young stock, 12 had registered Poland Ciiina l.oes. 4 grade sows, all Linn implements; price Jc.OOO cash, lialance eav. MRS.
C. B. RICE. Tiirloelc. GEOI.fMIISTS say its underlaid with oil taw; best farming land in Mexico, on rail-.
road and river; no droughts; rainfall n' luially 70 Inches; big variety, bountiful crop cotton, com, beans, oranfe, lemon, pineapple, bi' American colony; liauk gui'iantces title; 20 icrcs np, eaay term. Addrea MEXICO LAND 422 tiachner Cal. LAND BARGAINS fieadutiarters for Sonoma, Lake and Me fi x-uio Coiiniy stock, bop, alfaila, lmit and cliicken uiiiclies. FRESS1NN BELL 4th i It'isn. Palif.
I Imne M2. GKOLOOLSTS SAY IT'rl LNDERI.ATfJ Willi OIL: beat fanning land in tn railroad and river; no droughts; rainfall annually 70 inches- big yarietv, bountiful rn ps, cotton, corn, beau, lemon, pies, lug American colony; 0.1 a a fuarantees title: 20 aires up, easy term. 422 OachoM Addiea MEXICO LAND Ct Cal. FOR sale oivi-acre lann in Tontra county, on March creek. 4 miles frgn ('lay-ton, on State highway; cre-eii flows tlirougSi the place; also has several never failing MTinjs; 1110 acre ciiltinil.isi balance si'len-did pasture; price per acre, small jy-mem down, low interest on balance, Apply E.
A. IIOVVARI), VI Howaid 8. or T. A. FNU)K Cal SANTA CLARA VALLEY BARGAIN in 20 acres, cornets ou 2 county roads; paved; 9 acres uniuiroyed, 11 acres in (1 years, prune and BiTllett pear trees.
Irrigation, ivsttm tui-nishiiig ample waler irrigate land; improvemcnis; nil level; price fll.O'O, term; short distance San A. IfVKRLSOX, J57 Montgomery Ban fi'TANlSLAT'S 7 40 acre sanely loam, all nndet irrigation; six miles north from Oakdale; llletllv 1 Wlitrrp- moetn A.r.nni O- Mom rmnlhoune; well windmill; tank house; large bam, 82xfiO, 20 ft. high; sheds snd blacksmith rloublcr garage; chicken house. Price, $2,800 cash; term. Box U05O2, Kvaminer.
25-A. jmiDt! orchard;" 12 "acres heavy crop; ml 1-year troes: molern h(mse and ontbuildlnis; tine water plant; crop of thousand of dollars goes; l.Odl bens, cow, 2 horses, tools, itnpl. a miles Sauta Bona; I sell it 011 account of aid age; cn-ti and hickerw jay for j(, jn 4 few ART C.t COEY, box Hi A. route Mania ft isa. Calif.
fCO ACEir heir "and "stock ran(h," yen8Kfm on R. it. and Eel itivc-r; 40 acres gixd plow land, some clearcl and onen: 25 aires gmzing land; enouuu oak and fir timber to pa he lor place; tine rnek and 3 snrimrs: louse: sonic snel chicken bouse; eoneifb-nib!" fennng; few fur trees and eraiM-a: '2 750- ffaii j8 ycats pj pay baiamn-. Box 10S405, 11 1-1 1. norm' im-ome ranch, INci acn.a, Siint Clam co.
IiX'thills: 2'i acre 20 table grapes, 40 Italian chestnuts, family orchard, fountain, 4 miming springs, Watt system; nn. house, 2 story, gar ige. baru. cellar, .101 n-lwoe'Js. lots oak timbea; fines view; $15(MK); hour, (4.
tunsiag smaller piac uear bay for part. Bog 11125iV Kv -miner. WALNUTS CO acres tundv loam, Ixli section; heiB) yariclien: firm eonelitioii; gond luilblings; fullv equipped; big crop; 2 wells and eieojrio pumps; ctop and eveiything goej if soil bv Sept. 1 a high cVkji investment. Erainincr.
Ffilt sile of 'ih'bjit Un in Sun Ramon VkPpv, on the county went road, new pUmteel to tcma'oe nd Ct-un hers; rotable fcr walnut or fig tree; Will dividfl in tracts: price $425 tr acre. Hi cai. lwln-e nus can be For particulars write E. J. BitlSCOSL Missi.
Sn Jose, ('al. f'hone 7-lV. FOR saie-liV aeu brat Soil in Sjn Rimoik Valley, ir, walnuts err fig tree, now pUii.ed to cue-imWni and on county rued, near the town of San Ramon; $425 per aire, worth $." ha cash, biisnce time can he ananged: wiil I-nil imilieulais. write E. J.
BU19-4'OE. Mn'siovi San one, Cal. ti-AVirv Diei. r-nieken tui.cii, 4 mile Santa lio-a; car school and store; 7-ffu. b.nari, it.exl.
rhieaen bom. and brooder bonss. aab pluit, 3 a. gas, 075 lajipg h-ns, Mrge. and runs; pric- sli.
4 box 115, rout 8. Ks-ita Kin. Cal.f. )L'LTf; bin7 eta equal IS cri4 car I s'Tet. elcep sanlf lor-Tii tint NEVER Or'TM MI l'l'Y 1.4 HIE ETI EM VVE.M HER fine wat 20 feet: 1 m.
from ttim, store, sch-I. P. rice fwdv ficj mo Li.CKGPAi'lK'X Pa4 11 f1 xipini-t F. v.v a1') ail J-rcedu ton wtii la'te isiro, n- small lii is ii! ariwi dairy and co. ram'i.
D'atM Ooe-hir mile trna car line arid higwy U-lc: is real terjun at at'it hall resh. Sc. VH I. lares Iaad 14 ') Park Al ime'a ic) VCHKS VKVK STO) Kfi'V. Cc.MI5!! I NT PEUOV'l; fO VARlETIL (M LO ibt l-iATINl rvn-f.
TEMP RAPT JVBHOVV. Fl f.I.Y E'l' Ic'PED. IVP.L PB wuHiii iwm'bll lire; i-Hu-v, WIIIM'4 Ei, YEAES. BOX A VT i n. "OR SAf 40 cre-, SiriM mill AiADLRO; rfvi soil; 2 ii tpnri eies ej l.
ti swj price fljl', tcma. A- lliicL, xa OAKLAND 7TTL; of toadroliea, liiterM-rB: itl wnlte, blio and line iihi: ti I ljsv atiotirdiiig toiiifonutiiD prnati' ilntvway iiu.l turn; Knoll wi'h a r. ti'rtiw inn T.t'nu'pu:t; ea, water; ahi-itori-d totii Dlorui, fjnin for xt-din; wired out nice lor injury; prue tlo.CMDi. Atldri'Wi (iWNKK, room Ml tali-forimi i'neltH: hull Kruiiiiwo, JLiliAL'X'Lll "4 Miirin ro. 23 mllen fniin Sjii KrancLwoj 10 minuta w.ui! iiniii atatuin: i-rin.
hiiiuuiou. i mwn ing U'tdiet, niniiinit rrik, 'i level li.iid, all wire Dome toiuiK fruit tieii Imi cbii ken liniife, Iniiilmlor and bModur; i.i.Otm nirili, or will etelmiiatf tor city prop- n.v, iii.j hjjoiiner. '11 ItKHyl'K Marin County home'--A Irani iiul utile pliiee, luruihliedj luaunilieeiit weuery: lainutes walk If nil nl.nii.ii; kaiiiiuuiik pool ci. iv ll lot lull iirlee: lurte lot: cut clouon; liiMt ciimo v.illi each or lionda tieuiiir 11; tint mil th 'lefcououo .11711 'TlOo! Mm. imi' LAIttiK I'lIX En.AUlMi Flil lT TJiKKH, OHAI'Kri; li LOCKS J'HOM tiUTIilN, IN rAN NKAU K.HOH.: IJI'4 AV.
riilCW TKIfMS To I IT. CALL TOIMV. OVV.NLlt ON lTiK.VfJSKS. lot, 1.1175; rnaiia, water, elec, Mi hour nerriie, commute, 4'J min, from city; wonderful ri aoil; only JUTo; teims; Saiihulifo bout, San Atiselinn train, tell ennrhietor ti let yon off at Alio. HIT! 1 ULAN LoTA'J'hS UtU Ttielan bldg Kioti LU11.
fltargaili bolus, 43 mitt, from eity; Vt a. 111 drove ol noi ie oak, Imn. Incl. oraute, IfTiiin, wainuta, tuory ten. veuet.
ad. II ri on lli unc lmi. with fiiry A- lirip's fall, atahie, chick, lice ili. inut M-en to te Apply to Mr M. Jirailniry, orte Mu liri Marin cty lilT'liTi'.
il antiiul ooTn; I .1 Wmtuft: Miiluxl in rtdwoud, beamed eeil inK, hiillt-iu kilrlien. nun in Miry room, ai-drli'i'H Krelifi: luimt I ld lefiTe Ann. 1. owner leaving. I'7 laurel liuN dale, Mann, co.
I'bone A. o'KKKI K. A iHoiTue eo Ross Seven moma: Lard fl'iibh: coticreta bane- men level Jot, I b'iifTi; fruit and aba! tn-es; close to Mation and school; only See Lang liealty MilH S. 1' BARGAIN Prietlrally nw 5-rm. modem ittgt; 2 Kirrti anil 1 acre Innd; full eqt.t 1 for 2.t ebirkena; only eaay terms.
LANli HKALTY Mills S. F. ilreaiu uf a couutiy bonni i-i'e; great, big timgmtieient redwood tune, alamt acres, piped water: only miles from here; 10 minutes fiom iJumt; only 1 terms, a mo. Phono Knaruy UiilU. Cajl Mrietj.t.,r!nnm Hej.
SlX reiut biiigalfiw7 Rlipiiig jioriC fruit trees, redvuvxls, iiina and flowers: i'leally ahultered; fine climate, pood view; three blocks wei of station at Lurk-, spur; I'd Mi ft. hy once s.i..i tertiin. l-'rerielsifi, ph. Franklin F.Uir tor chicken or hog ranch; alo l'i aere land Willi reridenee and chicken bousra. YAEOKU, box 1S7, it.
F. Eolinaa road, Kansalitii, near Almonte stat. have a "large improve liot, five minutet fmm statioii, 40 niinutes from H. F. commute $4 1110 which will Hull for $LXI on terms; adjoining lots $400; deep rich soil, P.nx 7.11CJO, J' xa'niner.
JOoO-T-ljiiiviiin; niKic cottape; two rooms anil lorce porch: biir lot: wonderful nice loenrinri in KuirfpT Manor: terens Sl'at (I-ivti nd monthly. FAIRFAX UF.ALTY CO. I'liirfi'T Oat. BSArTTKCL uo to (late country biHiie; bafip vnot Iloors: nloru acres; orcnani anu ffnrdi near ltoss station. Owner on preni fs.8 Thone I3an Armelmn SIMM, or box F.aiiiner.
ll ISIII. -f." friol uiul eliieken ranch" rnontly In pears; 0-r. house, barn an 1 chieken-boiisea; tractor; chicken'); hall cash, bal. time. FAKMEH, Ml 4th U.
Sun ftrttnpi KUOE'tVOoTtKn IXITS $'123 eiu'L, on easy terms; in beuiiliful Fairfax Manor tract. RIVEliS 222 Phr-lan S. or Fairfax Realty opp. Fairfax station. WTfY "pay" rent, Sm a U.
neat cottage, Mann county; acre, fruit, birrips, garden, neur atstion, eonimute minutes; very ray tcrma. It.W 1 MS.J21) He." Mbl. Elrfefol lot, 00 by TWi, near depot, fwly each; acreage a little further out, $450 acre: very easy terms. CROKEIl Ran Anselmo. FrtETTY "bnngalow N'esr depot, sleeping porches, fine view; large grrmmls; chfTin; 'i fmirly commute; hanrain; $275 down, $20 mrr Bf.9 ph.
fjiittet 2BSB. "ai'udeni "five-roo-n nlaaterej cot tage: terms like rent Lit It, Madura Tavern Orte Malera. MAK1N ro. homes, lots, aereage, all deacriptioi s. DER't, Madera Tavern, firm, station.
I.orte Aiaiiera FOR Kile- -Lot h0x200, with 2-rtrhOurmsvied trees, etc. reasonable. OUKiO-LE1T, Fairfax; incline railroad. oil highway; view: -1 minute from station; SI, 000: terms. DERIt, Ma- dperv 'lnvern, one il.LV aTT lot for Kale: excellent lie.
tlrm; 2 nun. walk lroia station; closing estate. Box lOtjWir, Kxanuner. little cottage in" Larkspur Can- von; line tor scmuner. aiiim.
i.oi.iir KIc.nT.r,arkRpnr T. 0. FOR sale Lee. S-rrnT butigiilow in LarKap'ir (Innyon; lire, s'eep, porch. Apply at on ic, nh? Wi.y SVI XI.ITO KST A.TK.
MODERN six-room furnished cottage; fine garden; close to ferry; $3,000, terms. Apply 319 Water st, SiVM "AT.l'Tfl- WanteirTn bc-Use. 2 entertaining 3 or 4 liedrnis. good location. Box 124H0S, Examiner.
TO rent Modern bouse; near furry; great view and grounds. 4 1(1 Berkeley av. EEACTTKi'L nKHl.liome on hillside: trTew, In 'go lot; bn retain. Bnx lOS'iOo, Ex. SAN ANSKIiMO UK A I.
KSTATB KENT ii MEMO. I'bone San Anselmo BO. Han Anselmo, Cal, Attractive 5-rm. bungalow, romp, Iwtro sleeping lot oOxl.Vt, fine garden, grapes and fruit trees; a real bargain at Modern bungalow, practically new, fine large lots; good location; forced sale; price terms. 1 750," Sacrifice; owner leaving California; must lie sold at once; bungalow 4 electric; comp.
famished; ooen fireplace: large porches; beautiful level wooded lot; nr. station. 11. F. MANN, opp.
jrtation $Tsr4C-7-rtn. open lirtiilace; sleeping jairch and t.ani; lot G4.l0; level l.ns full lxiarilia fruit trees: close to main station; easy terms. LEACH REALTY CO. tT.iiiTfHstrrrT-rra. bungalow withS hue Ipenina tKiarchcs.
in Al condition; garage and basem*nt; cor. lot, 50x120, with full. bearing fruit trees and herros; bargain, easy terms. LEACH P.EALTY CO. FT'oOO 4-rm.
lilastc-re'j "cottage; open fire- aleenlntf noreh and liasem*nt: 1, with full bearing fruit trees and close to station. LEACH REALTY CO lfifYf'ii ftifOM cottsae: laree norcii: to sta I ion ami scliooi; g'SKi lor au year, only easy terms, see owner, A. J. LANG, room 10 Mills h. F.
$27750--Modom home, (J hath, sleeping pnrcn; large 101; iihs noo ura nr. sititm. i. F. ANN oun.
Htnrliw. nOlS VALLKY ItF.AT. KSTATB. FOR SALEAttracthe bungalow, furnislied, large lot, garace, fmit trees, ideal location, sunshine all year, and near schooL Apply A. nACEltBoss.
rOlt SALE-- Attractive 1 luigalcw, large lot, gartige fmit Uw, ideal location 1 1 and near tchool, A)ply A Brmt SAN HAFAKI. REAL ESTATE. BAN RAFAEL. For 1 House and lot. One moms and hath.
ims. electricity, ararden. flowers. r-o fov. solid brick benvlauon Hheuther 3 minute from West End htaucu; CUoice locution; new sewers, tae it.
OWNER. 300 RTREXT. ban RaaeL HOTEL RAFAEL is opened end made into pne of the niir lin of the eo n-try; directly aetoss the street overlci.k-inir the jirouii-ls, we have 4 bauti- ful new and mo-lern bungalows for sale cn essv tonus. If ysi are looKin? for real hoe, one of the finest locations in Marin County, do not let thia oppcrnm iy Tis ynu rib) or phone to us fot urtber luformition. KENT MINT0, I'bone Ran Anselmo 50.
San Anvlmo, Cal. ffSWi; nn. house; half acre inTutl-bearirg fire'iant and gar'l-n; elocken-hoiise ai'l yanls; rbe to olatimu $5' 0 caah, baL like rent. 1V liu'25f, Etiniirer, II oOOrwiiliw -'u: Trn. home; to will take $-V0 down.
I'al. $.5 per mouth. Box J- vi' trer. rDaI. modenrneti.e of rx't.
with fumao-l w. cjr. Jo 5ox1-'j: in best iocvion: UNO REALTY vi-H f'-'V A. 1: noi ivuitHi lsSZ- it ft uifDruu.iuii rvi'atoiij; sleuduciiio ctk, acd. i.
A. vVALDiiili-t-L. Lsaafi, Cal. VV lllo TO ONj; OF T11K FINKST (iKNKKAL Jt.AM 1IK.S IN 1 I STATU Or CAI.l- i'oltMA; 5H.ST UK Hill I). OVKlt Mill Ol'' Hit II ltl Lit ACIiKS OK l.KVLL I HALAXCI-; 14 UOl I.
ldo T.Anr.E CATTLE TtAN'CTI acres, of heavy, feed iirodndng rangi In a section wneia nroulh is im-knonn. both winter aie.l summer ranae h)'iwen li.Liif) and acres ol open land tor urmiiiL'. allien iiinuucca suleuuiu wheat. oala, com and other liclJ crops. An aoun-uam of U't rum creeks and springs, which ar piped to nur rous troughs, lin-jnoinmeiiis are of the best.
Caa be bad either with or without HvestiKk. This is well known as one of the finest large cat tle ranches 111 the state. I'nce kit) ikj acre, AUiacuvtt lurms. ii'Al X'tO OOO ROP ACRES ON HIOHWAT NFAH 017- PERIIM). BEAKINc; I'UUiNKS FRENCH AND I MPMIIAT.B.
O' COP USE N'KKlS NO COMMENT. 1'ltlCE INTl.riil.Ntl ALL EOI'IFAIENT AND PiaLSONAL PROPERTY. AND 0Al. 74 150 PER ACTilC goneral ranch in Tehama cwon- ty; 100 acres rich bottom under ditctt; 870 acres can be imitated low cost; 4H0 acres second lienc-h and rdlling; 200 acres robing wheat land, novr summer lallowed. (omiorutne 7-room ranch house, windmill, tank house, 8 Urge barns, etc.
Then unlv 818-324 Kearny Kan Francisco, Calif. FHEK ORAVITY WATER Stocked, einiipper; big living creek; l.M BTes, 12 Piiles Redding, 1 mile Bella ista, Shasta on good mad. II. K. shiinring switch on place; 12.) acres rich bottom and valley iana In cultivation; 25 acres alfaha.
5 cuttings per year; 2 acres gard 100 bearing trees, apples, peaches tigs, berries, grapes; 2,0" al tier of wocsl, wrTth $12 iwr cord on ranch; good C-pwm house, barn, outbuildinas; netting tniee: stircPtiery; shade: rsid wed inteiest iu ditch 4 horses, 5 milk cows and 4 calves, .12 bogs, 1.10 chickens, 20 turkeys; pas engine, wood saw, separator, till impleiiieiils, tools, healthy cli- mste: no stimv, fog, alkali or adolie; good markets; hunting, fishing, boating'; crops ou place are Burnt, truthfnl witnessca as to the productiveness of the soil; aged owner can't handle atone; total price ranch, stock, implements, crops, 1-3 cash, balance easy terms at 8 per cent; miglit, consider some cash and clear property. 7.000 acres range land, $3 per acre, easy terms; 2,200 acrea living free gray-ity water, alfalfa, improvemeute; $15 per acre, easy terms; other bargains; $..00 tin; for fake oil stocks. TTngns mines, In fids vicinity; see other GLENX I 'ETTA llOo Pine Redding. CaL FOR SALlf HIGH CLASS DAIRY. PAYING NOW OVER $1,500 A MOI4TH.
We hare for sale a fully nnfpperl modern dairy, now st.ieked nd running and producing over $1,500 a mnnnh from sales of milk alone. Consists of 70 hef.d of first-rluss daii-y cows, iu full milk, 20 springers, 20 heifers, 10 calres and 2 pure bred Hol-stein bulls. The dairy is ou a liH)-acre leased ranch, the has 5 years to run, and the ranch is ecpupped with a complete set of buildings, including 7-room dwelling, cottage for help, modem dairy barn, with milking machine, feed barn, horse bsrn, etc. There are 30 acres in alfalfa, balance of place is in hay and pasture. There are two pumping plants on the place, with abundance of water for irrigation.
Included with the aliore is a complete fanning outlit, four work horses, two driving horses, plows, 100 tons of hay and everything necessary to run the place. Price $20,000. Kind investigation invited. Immediate possession if necessary. 01 possession Octo ber 1, at buyer's outioa.
Excellent reasons for Belling. VV ILEUM P. WHIG TIT, Mountain View, banta jClara Co, Cal. Santa Clara Valley LOS ALTOS ft-room house; well with tankhouae of 2 Towns: variety of fmit; price 25 acres 1 your old prunes and apricoU; price $b50 per acra. 13 acres, excellent' 8-year-old apricot or chard; water; line lotatiou; price $soO per acre.
8 'A acres, new 6-rooro plastered bnnira low; double garage, frainhouse, tankhouse; complete modern buntings tor 1.100 cluck-ens, fine irrigation well. Price $20,000. CCI'ERTIXO 5 acres prunes and apricots, 2 years old 4-room "nouse, liarn aud chicken house, Pri- $7,000. 32 acres of the bee' soil in Santa Clara Valley; 20 acres in French prime and 5 acres in Rlcnlitlm aimcots: balance in family orchard; Oroom modern cottage bam. well, tank, pump, 1000 trava.
400 hoxca, dipping plant, etc. This place produced in 1010 72 tons of prunes and 33 tons of riccjts. WM C. LYON Inc. 100 Sutter street, S.
K.j country offices: Palo Alto, Iis Altos and Cupertino. Tike Best lSAcre Fruit Farm Ever Offered And Vt cssh will handle; 1H mile of sta tion; 7 acres in oyear-oia trees, 40 grape vines, raw hemes, alfalfa patck, well, gas enstiue, tank, house; barn, HOx44 2 chicken houses, 2 hcrsea, harness, plow, disk, harrow, mower, -cultivator, buggy, ganie'n tuuls, 7 tons or my, 3 dozen eta A. IT. ANDERSON, CALIF. FARMS 11 EA U.ST 3D MKT.
Boyes Springs Ilighlands TDRAL UTTLE C.AKDEN P.UIM; 6 minutes) walk from famuua mineral springs; brand new buiigalow with modern phmib-. big; rich deep soil; plenty of water piried to lull priiie $1,900, only $25o cash re-jtured. See Orem lUitttf, lioyes HorinsK, of W. B. McGerry Co.
41 Montgomery enn Fran-dsen, Ca'if. LAKE COUNTY. 200 acres; 20 live springs (1 sulphur) live creek, on siiige read; 25 a. meadow 4 a. orchard.
baL wooded; when clear fine grain and fniit land; tl-room uioeiern hi.use: ncv bam, tnacssmiih shop equipped; ciltle. 4 horses, bogs, 0 sheep, turkey, chickens; ail farm imple-meni aud; plenty hay: diily mail; c' 'se to school, telephoiie; make fine home tir all prodncts; de-bhjful siiot; iession at oneet. I). E. BE jECKEli, 1) 5 Mouigomery.
sL, S. F. SV i U-'i'C Mo-acre fine lioprovccT dairy larm near Mciesto, 2o acres tine aPalta. g'd house of 5 room and Lata. 2 turn.
irarree, rog hfeism. rtiicicen taovurv, ni- cliiuery veiisls, tank hroiK and milk house. mall family orchard, sanlen, eu; hue 2 berws and harneis, niower, rake, watron. barroivs. 11 in fact, erery necni Siir fana implenuer.l; loc-ated near land bnhwav fiis is a hi? im-rnn itnivf sod a big baignin at lfi.Ot; cash yi 'l: han.lle.
laiiince terms to suit, if you it tbls r'ai-e act at once. us show vou. S-e It KEENLY, Alaceda Laud 1V' I ark (.., Aiai-vfl. r.IG RANCH IvtR I.ITTLE MONEY. 40 acres near W' it Seville; all good 'il; 10 acrea in 3-year aiTrco', 15 af.
ia oak tira-lr. 3-roevia hou. Para, cine hen houae. 2 stTirc. oeer 4 tc4v bay rut on geyxend.
2 B'Tes in eo-n: good 'wid land; 1" and fc; good tarse, wacoo, Tn, rm tool: owner must leave at Mice will sarrifioe for S.L2.V) half exh; w'tt to wri'e. FA EM F) Tt-1-T REALTY CtA. 4X7 Uiia. KU tt'r SWiraJa. i-Ai per acre.
uo Hovdl 151 fCTTIOIt SAM KltA.NCISCO. LKS.H -1 HAN ItESTanTSSW down I will Bell my two-acre place, mcltm-ii tenni court, toltaije, tunii.4iinga, eiec-trie i-ervice, etc; auven u.lnutrt from atat ni 011 C'aseaih' driie, just "est of Old Mill. Apply on premista or 705 Call bid, piione So. -r i.S Ai'LlT offer not refii 7-rouiu and batli home, porelio, fireplace, fruit, flortern, Inel lot, I wn. from tMiiw.
I'Uotia V. 4-J, or apply 1 f.on-ii at. LLK KNU Ikn-ui a. up. IjirKi loU, up.
Bee ae-iit anil gobkn badse, Fundus nt. Mill Valley Heit. or T.AI'AchVTjk Hutter.iit. ham in in lots. nv level or lull-si.
le; am.iti paviimnt down, monthly; build vouivlf iiner home. O. C. CAITI-'I M.VS t. SNAP o-jvoin'aoil balh, fruit trees, fc'ernt.
allien, IHiwrn, Rtiae; rasy iciiJiS, hw aynta. I. -Two nionii and hall; close to depot; line to remodel; lot worth the money; 4.v1Vi. partnership have KW lots lorated in ihbon'a addnimi to Vallejo, adjoinii t'le Valleio Aiiiien: owing to dmiioon among the owie ra delivery will be made at per lot. 0.
E. 61 Mae-Iionaid Hi' litnoiid. Col. 'cVme'r of Capitol and Cilenn t'reets: K.toO chhIi: a snap. Owuer, J.
E. IM 'i Wash, NAPA VA LEY The land wuicn rTS mil timaenns wou-ont irriysiiiim even dry years. For sale ACHES fine income prim orchard in tlie heart of Napa Valley; bouse, bsrn, wiidiaill: in complete shape. Ot full particular on this, burgs in. For sale 217 ACRES.
nrtiBitain rsneh; 26 acre rich ralley land; bjst crefcard, or regclaMe land; 5-rcMir touse, barn, brooder house, chicken houses; tlii is an Ideal chiclien and turkey ranch, worth twice the price $8,500. For full paruo ulura ahout Naps Vsller wTifts w. b. ori Firms "14 First Nana. Calif.
APV il'NTY PROPERTY FOR SALE fKi Acru Land in Sonoma. er vineyard, some interplanted in prunes about 6 years old, rest in hay land; 11 T. baled bay; a horses and 1 cow; 6-Mom home plaptered. an 1 some outbuildings; 10) chickens. AU tlie crop goes with tin pi ice.
lt-ela Italian fTorry store for sale, with every lne of Rrit-elasa goods; a gijod opron unity to ftart in a built-n'' laisiness. T. C. MALLoY, Ins. 82 N.
Main Napa, Calif. TOR sores Najia VaTley land one-half river ho' torn; river Irrigauon; 4 acres grapes internet with prunes; 1 acre bcuriiiK tirutie and lumpy tirctuinl; riun bouse, barn and outbuildings. J. II. BOB-MAN, void Napa.
Calif. sonovi 1ikal kstatb caIlTteeIoIr $750: wcll-'ouilt 4-room cottaire; porches, Borne furniture, ft woodwi lots; big snap; act quick. O. 0. CAPPELMA.NN, 2ol Simsoiue pt.
I''oug 3 '10. 4liTwri)iil lanirbuU frnit land; crow orange, lemon; wo fleet; good goat partly fenced; family orchard: gwxl water; $10 jvpt vrriy. fiAl ('fie kihs ia Ciuaciero. l'houo ft riTKOK UK AI RSTATH. CORN Kit lot, 40xS0; house And lot 4IIXSO; large Pam cm rwo kits, mww, nu car line: price CASl'Y.
mm REAL ESTATE AM) 219 St Modesto Dairy Ranch A BEACH FIX HOME. A FIRST CLASS DAIRY. AN IDEAL LOCATION. (WUl rnwlltin nn Vitn-Vi. fcOi.
in.ii:n n.Ti ji.Ai- rit way road; fully equipped and snicked; 1U0 in alfalfa. 1.0 a. Thompson irrapes, 12 olives, fi'inilv orchard, garden, all leveled, fenced aud irrigated; large pumping want for late irruation; nearly new billion, us. coiisi.ii:2 of 1 rm. bungalow type dwelling of beautiful design and tin tali, suiry TanKiiouse.
wen aim ciecinc vsraife for 3 nuicbi'ies with cment tioor pit unci vAoiKshop: ciairy bam ltnxoti. with stanchions both sides; horse ban 3(iv40. luree double hnghoiise, 100 ton silo, two bouses of 4 and 5 rooms each, bunk-houses, implement houce and blacksmith siiop; bay scales; 40 fiolstein aud Jersey cows, 25 lieUci-i, rc g. Huistoiu bull, 10 fine farm bots 2 saddle hone, lot of hog, ad faroii: Implements and tools of every description. This is one of the best equipped improved ranches in the MxIesW district.
The season'a bay'crcip will be. nearly 1 thai tors, ll in impractical to deacrilie this place in an ad. Let me show you this iiroperty. It a lug money msKer ami a me home. Good terms can be arranged, li.
L. RtiDY. 351 HESS SAN FRANCISCO. BARCAIX SMATL IMPROVED INCOME fun and orchard, only to nuios trom Berkeley; idcil kcittou; house, bath, well, gas engine, barn and poultry bouses with liti of tine tsijing poultry; horses, cow, h.vrs. Completely e'tmiMx-d with all tiw's: every day; 24 acres part orchard of tine trees Hided with fruit; citv man will sacrit'iee.
tcr quick sale; $1,500 eiali. ill. nee long easy terms; buyers offer check low for cop on trees; you ean use this for flint payment then pl-iee wid pav for itself: act quick; immedi-ite pisficvsoii: give hone number. OWNER, box 12l4tl, Examiner. FXDOCfXO CULXTY STOCK RANCH.
till A Tr I I) AS REI'RE-SEXTED. acr) four mil's from Spynck, Men-doci-io I'ouritv. co. of pasture, both viuter and euDuner; acres cleared layl, bala oak and fir timltT; fun'i orch. rd and vineyard, full tearing; all fenced; b.
ntse, barn and usual I-iiif-s; 10 licin? siinzs; two crecKs wit1! stv tit 1, i-cwtr at low water: tan baik estiniit'eo at 275 cor-W. ro iuesioc-k pe. with tie ploe; icioe $27.4) rr a'Tc; tlown, tutauce to snit piieebaser; irigiil rtider a tr.ide as psrt ptyvnent. If tire fi a h'-h-c'iss pnr-ert ail 'res oevie-r, J. K.
PY-Rcii-K. 'f NTY, CAU DELTA TRACT FOR SALE The most fertile, island In the Sacramento River; acres; tnorough reclaimed arid und, high sts: of cultiVHtinn MA-w-vt le-wn can be teni ioate a woriflerlni suh-j division anil ft the right yerr res.sonaoie trms wilt ra mj 10 ngut lartv. our Mli. KLTZ fur 'urthtT pr- "HIND COMPANY 2 1 -M (IVC Af FRY 5 mili fr 'n Wa'vvnviih-, 2 ndb-s frm Cas-trovilie, 3 pi it, 5, 8 aeo- cs 11, I-j shvinz, riiared. loam il: now piarfe.1 to liean: nar a Mod aud F.
D. vu'-r 1 hn' line Vrtnectierui; $ln" Pr aria uri up Itooin 7o. Ook Buik bavuia Phot. Oaxiaud Irrigated. Laids Hi ACRE I.